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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Barn Meeting Cancelled Saturday the 17th

we will need to cancel the meeting on Saturday..
we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Years..
thank you
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Fwd: New Club Officers and End of Year Dates

Here are the officers for 2012
President-Jaime Nielsen
Vice President-Emilie Peavey
Secretary- Casey Keohan
Treasurer-Rebecca Nolan
News reporter-Alexa Nielsen
Historian-Corinne Lee
Remember - there is no meeting next Monday Dec 12.
All orders for T-shirts and Sweatshirts need to be paid in full by the 10th or at least let us know if you are interested and what size.  The order will be called in on Monday DEC 12th. Let your parents know these make great Christmas gifts. T-shirts are 18.00 and Sweatshirts are 32.00..there are also sweatpants however I need to check with Jaime on the cost. There needs to be a minimum of 12 for each item ordered.
The next barn meeting will be the 17th of DEC 9-1030a. Lets plan on meeting at the Barn. This will be the last meeting for 2011.
Here are a couple of dates to keep on your calender:
January 9th is the monthly meeting from 6-730p at the Fairgrounds
January 7th and 21st are barn meetings.
January 20th 4H awards night in Kingston 6-9p
Please remember to check for the monthly newsletter from 4H extension office there is a lot going on..
*********Saturday March 3 2012   Visual presentations ****************************
start thinking and planning about your topic this dates seems to come quickly as it is the Saturday after school vacation..
A big thank you for everyone that helped out at the Marshfield Christmas tree sale, the Duxbury Christmas tree sale, Marshfield Community Christmas and the lighting of Marshfield last Sunday. 
Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, Holiday season.
Happy Holidays,
Susan and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


December NewsLetter

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

http://farmtastic4h.blogspot.com/ Newsletter 12 11

New Club Officers and End of Year Dates

Here are the officers for 2012
President-Jaime Nielsen
Vice President-Emilie Peavey
Secretary- Casey Keohan
Treasurer-Rebecca Nolan
News reporter-Alexa Nielsen
Historian-Corinne Lee
Remember - there is no meeting next Monday Dec 12.
All orders for T-shirts and Sweatshirts need to be paid in full by the 10th or at least let us know if you are interested and what size.  The order will be called in on Monday DEC 12th. Let your parents know these make great Christmas gifts. T-shirts are 18.00 and Sweatshirts are 32.00..there are also sweatpants however I need to check with Jaime on the cost. There needs to be a minimum of 12 for each item ordered.
The next barn meeting will be the 17th of DEC 9-1030a. Lets plan on meeting at the Barn. This will be the last meeting for 2011.
Here are a couple of dates to keep on your calender:
January 9th is the monthly meeting from 6-730p at the Fairgrounds
January 7th and 21st are barn meetings.
January 20th 4H awards night in Kingston 6-9p
Please remember to check for the monthly newsletter from 4H extension office there is a lot going on..
*********Saturday March 3 2012   Visual presentations ****************************
start thinking and planning about your topic this dates seems to come quickly as it is the Saturday after school vacation..
A big thank you for everyone that helped out at the Marshfield Christmas tree sale, the Duxbury Christmas tree sale, Marshfield Community Christmas and the lighting of Marshfield last Sunday. 
Wishing everyone a Happy, Healthy, Holiday season.
Happy Holidays,
Susan and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Reminders for this weekend

Hello All,

Big Jim has asked me to send out some reminders for this weekend - we've got a lot of things coming up!

This Friday night Dec 2:  The Marshfield Community Christmas Telethon takes place at the Daniel Webster school (also in Marshfield).  For those of you new to the event, it is comprised of different community groups and individuals who entertain on live TV, while donations (hopefully) pour in for the Community Christmas fund.  We plan to meet @7 or so there. Everyone is asked to donate a few dollars.  The club will then match the amount collected from members and present a check on live TV.(WATD) 

Saturday Dec 3:  The Duxbury Christmas Tree Sale takes place from 10 -2.  Come any time.  We will be doing a bake sale so if everyone can bring something would be great.  The address is 200 West St (fairly near the bend in the road where the police station is).  There is a sign there for the sale. Jimmy will try to get there around 9 to set up if anyone wants to come earlier.

And last but not least, Monday Night Dec 5,  there will be a  special meeting for elections only at 6 pm at the fairgrounds.  Please try to be there. Candidates for club offices should bring speeches and we will vote after.   Hopefully we will be done by 7 !!!

Thank you!!
Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, November 18, 2011

Barn Meeting Reminder

Just a reminder that we have a barn meeting tomorrow, Saturday Nov 19 at the Oneil Farm, 9-10:30.  We will not be doing elections but will discuss it again at the meeting tomorrow.

Also a reminder that the Friday after Thanksgiving is the Annual Christmas Tree Sale at the Marshfield fairgrounds.   It will be held from 10 am to 2 pm.  We hope you can come help out!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, November 11, 2011

4H Updates and Important Reminders

Hey everyone,
                Hope your school years are off to a great start! Now that we are starting the 2011-2012 4h year, I figure it is time to address some important information.
                Most importantly, everyone needs to get his or her enrollment forms in ASAP if you have not already! Having them at the next meeting would be great.
                Equally important, elections for the 2011-2012 4h years will be November 19th at the O'Neil barn meeting. Anybody that has been in 4h at least one year can run and all positions (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Historian) are open. Being a club officer is a big responsibility and communication with leaders and other officers is vital. Position details will be discussed Monday in case anybody is interested. PLEASE have a speech PREPARED the day of elections if you plan on running. Elections will be held this day regardless of attendees, be there if you want your voice heard!
                Your attendance this year will be of extreme importance. By enrolling as a member of Farmtastic 4hers, you have made a commitment to the club. We are trying to do a lot more AS A CLUB this year, and you being there is a huge contribution.
                Since we are trying to do more together this year, we would like to increase how much we meet. The tentative plan is to have meetings at the fairgrounds the first and third Monday of the month along with our meetings at O'Neil farm the first and third Saturdays of every month. Weather depending, barn meetings may be moved to the fairgrounds. With more meeting times, we will be able to get more done, and there will be more opportunity to attend meetings. We would like everyone to attend AT LEAST one of each meeting every month.
****Because of Community Christmas, be aware that fair meetings may be cancelled or relocated. ****
                At our next fair meeting, (November 14th) collections for the 4h food drive will be made. Please try to bring plenty of non-perishable items for those less fortunate.
                This winter, as a community service project we would like to recreate the felt banners hanging in the dairy barn at the Marshfield Fair. The present ones are old and tattered, and we think it would be nice if we could remake them and present them to the fair. Of course, if anyone has other ideas, this is open for discussion.
                SAVE THE DATES- For fundraising this winter, we have two events coming up. Friday November 25th from 10-2, we will be working at the Kiwanis Christmas Tree Sales. In addition, Saturday December 3rd from 10-3 we will be working at the Duxbury Christmas Tree Sales. If you can attend one or both of these events, please let Mrs. Peavey or Big Jim know. Both events will be discussed in detail at the meeting Monday.
                On a side note, I would like to try to get an order in for t-shirts, etc. design pictures and prices will be available at the meeting Monday.
                Come to the meeting Monday with projects and ideas you would like to do this year. We want to make this a good experience for all of you by teaching things that are of interest to you, and doing things that will help you grow in to responsible adults.
We are looking forward to a great year with everyone! See you all Monday! Thanks,
Jaime, Mrs. Peavey and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, November 4, 2011

4H November newsletter and fundraiser reminder

Hello All,
Attached is the Plymouth County 4-H Newsletter for November 2011.  Please note the first page with upcoming dates for the fall and winter season. 
Reminder- 4-H Ballroom Dance Fundrasier is this weekend, Saturday November 5 from 6-10 PM at the Whitman VFW Hall.  Adults only, $15 per person, tickets available at the door.  Please respond to this email with questions.
Please forward on to your 4-H club members and parents.
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341
P: 781-293-3541
F: 781-293-3542

Newsletter 11 11
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Reminders for this weekend from Mrs. Peavey

A few quick reminders
1. Barn Meeting this sat Nov 5th will be from 9-10a
2. Fits Mill in Scituate celebrating 100yrs Jimmy will be bringing animals.  It is from 12-4.  All club members are welcome to come and help out..
3. A 50.00 donation from Farmtastic to Plymouth County Advisory Council for the Dance on Saturday night..is anyone against the club donating to this event??
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, October 28, 2011

4H Facebook Page

Hello 4-Hers
> Plymouth County 4-H now has a Facebook page. Please check it out under
> Plymouth County 4-H and "like" it. You can get updates and reminders as
> well as see your submitted photos posted and find out what is going on in
> your county. Send in photos to the office so we can put you in the
> newsletter, on Facebook or in the newspapers.
> Also, a reminder that records are due November 15 as are enrollment
> packages.
> Cathy Acampora
> 4-H clerk

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, October 27, 2011

4H Re-enrollment

Hello All,

It's that time of year again to get your enrollment forms in for 4H 2011-2012.   We need to have the paperwork in to Molly Volmer by Nov 1.  There is a lot of interest in new memberships this year, so Susan and Jimmy really need to know who will be continuing and who will not.

Please either mail your forms, or drop them off to Susan.  Her address again is:
Susan Peavey
252 Tea Rock Lane
Marshfield MA 02050  
home number is 781-837-8288
cell is 781-308-9727
thank you again
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

Farm Day this Saturday

Just a reminder that Farm Day is coming up this Sat, Oct 22 at Mass Audobon Ctr. in Marshfield.  It is right by the Daniel Webster Estate.  Big Jim will be there 10-4, come and stay as long as you can - or all day!  Details about the site can be found at the following link:
Hope to see you there!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

4H Food Drive

4-H Volunteers and Club Leaders,
A reminder that the annual Plymouth County 4-H Food Drive has started!  Your clubs should be actively collecting food now.  There are 4-H Food Drive bags avalible at the Plymouth County Extension Office and East Middleboro 4-H Clubhouse.  Please let me know if you need more for your club.  Dontation boxes have been placed around the county and several clubs are going to be collecting at community events and local grocery stores.  Please let me know when and where your club will be collecting. 
We would like 100% participation in this event, please make every effort to try and collect something to contribute to this important cause.  All food must be collected by November 21 at the Extension Office or East Middleboro Clubhouse.  We will be making donations to several pantries in Plymouth County, if you have a local pantry who you like to see food go to, please let me know.  In past years, we have collected nearly 5,000 pounds of food, let's try to make 2011 the best year yet!
For every 4-H'er, volunteer and friend of 4-H who collects food for this drive, they will get a reusable 4-H grocery bag as our thanks.  I have them here at the Extension Office, please let me know how many you would like once you have collected.
Again if you have any questions please let me know.
Thanks for all your participation and support.
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, October 7, 2011

4H Fundraising Event

4-H Volunteers, parents and friends!  Please see email below about and upcoming 4-H Fundraiser and night out!  Please forward and share with others interested in supporting Plymouth County 4-H, dance or just having fun!  Thank you. 
An evening of instructional Ballroom Dance with Roger and Claire Vaka.
Beginner steps will be taught at several times during the evening.
Roger will play many tunes that anyone can "just dance" to, also!
Whitman VFW 11/5/11
6:30 til 10pm
$15 per person donation
Call the Extension office, 781-293-3541, or email mvollmer@umext.umass.edu to reserve your tickets. Pay and pick up at the door. Limited tickets are available to ensure dance floor room, so please call in advance for yours soon!
Ok, so maybe you'll just enjoy watching, or come to bid on a few AUCTION ITEMS??
On Saturday, November 5, 2011, Plymouth County 4H is hosting a FUNDRAISER. Since the location is very reasonably priced, and the entertainment has been donated by supporters, 100% of the proceeds go directly to the County Extension Agent to be spent on 4H!!!
So, How can we all help?
  • Buy a ticket, buy four and come with your partner and your favorite friends.
  • Bring an appetizer or a dessert, already to pick up type finger food for everyone to share. (Bring one "batch") Let Molly know if you think you might be bringing something!
  • Contact Molly to be a helper for set up.
  • Contact Priscilla McGilvray 781-733-6894 to help with the auction or with clean up at the end of the night.
  • DONATE something to the auction!

    Please print and post this notice anywhere you might find friends of 4H.

    Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4H Food Drive

Hi Everyone!

Happy National 4-H Week!  The 5th annual Massachusetts 4-H Food Drive begins this week!!!! Our goal is 30,000 pounds!  We are asking you to get involved!

To increase food collection this year, we are asking that clubs arrange to do collection days at an area supermarket or work with a bank, library, or local business to place a collection bin in their establishment for some or all of the Food Drive. Many clubs have done this in past years and have collected a lot of food in a single day! It's NOT too late to ARRANGE A COLLECTION DAY WITH A STORE! The food drive is just around the corner!

Since success is enhanced by publicity, it's a good idea to announce any collection locations with the help of your local newspaper. If you need help writing an article for your town paper, you can email Cindy at mass4hsupport@verizon.net. PLEASE let us know of collection locations, and we'll try to get them listed on the 4-H website!

We have additional green bins you can use at collection locations, so ask your educator for one!

A lot of people need our support. Help us to make this the most successful 4-H Food Drive so far!

If you have questions, problems, or need assistance please email Cindy Trahan Liptak, 4-H Community Service Coordinator, at mass4hsupport@verizon.net.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Sunday, October 2, 2011

Date Correction

My apologies on getting the date for the next meeting wrong.  It is, of course, Monday Oct 10, not Oct 8 as previously posted.  Mrs. Peavey will have the enrollment forms for the coming year available at that time, so you don't want to miss it.  See you then!

Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, September 30, 2011

Barn meeting tomorrow October first canceled

Don't forget meeting on Monday October eight. Registration forms will be available then.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, September 28, 2011

4H Food Drive

Hello all 4-Hers.  This is just a reminder that the Plymouth County 4-H
> Food Drive has begun. We have food bags here to pick up. Tell everyone you
> know about it. 4-H clubs and volunteers can leave their bags here in
> Hanson at the 4-H office. Someone is here Mon Wed and Fri 8-1:30
> definitely but call first in case we have run out and if you want to come
> a different day. You can also drop off food at the Middleboro Club House.
> Write the name of your club on the bags so we know where it came from.
> Some items to collect are: Non perishable food such as:  Infant formula,
> dried milk, instant breakfast mix, pancake mix, baking mixes, coffee, tea,
> cocoa, jello/pudding, condiments, soup, baked beans, beef stew, canned
> chili, canned tuna, canned chicken, beans, peanut butter, baby food,
> canned veggies, spaghetti sauce, canned tomatoes, canned or bottle juices
> (unrefrigerated), canned fruit, dried fruit, fruit roll-ps, applesauce,
> oatmeal, baby cereal, mac n cheese, instant potatoes, rice and rice mixes,
> granola bars, bread or muffin mixes, crackers, cookies, popcorn,
> jelly/jam/fluff, sugar, flour, cooking oil, salad dressing, mayo, Other
> items that are in high demand at these pantries are: DIAPERS, wipes,
> toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, bath soap, shampoo conditioner,
> tissues, toilet paper and paper towels.  Food pantries are running short
> right now because more and more people are needing their services so when
> choosing food to give, give something you would like to eat.
> Our goal this year is 4000 pounds of food collected. So spread the word
> and see who can collect the most! The club who collects the most will
> receive a pizza party for one of your meetings!! Thank you 4-Hers and
> start collecting!
4H Office

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Farm Day Thank You

Hi Susan,

   Please pass this thank you along to all the members of the Farmtastic 4-H club. They did a fantastic job at O'Neil Farm Day again this year, conducting calf demonstrations, answering dairying questions and standing with the 4-H tables. Not only were they especially helpful during the Farm Day event, but they also cleaned the barn and calves before the families arrived to see a "real" farm. Interestingly, people parking cars on Autumn Avenue had several questions about whether this was a working farm! Your members certainly know it is!

   Many thanks to all the 4-H members and leaders for being such an important part of Farm Day.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, September 16, 2011

Farm Day Reminders

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that Farm Day at the O'Neil Farm is tomorrow, Sept 17 11-3 - but please arrive at 9.  Mrs. Peavey would like me to remind you to bring nicely wrapped baked goods to be sold as a fundraiser for the club.  Also please remember the dress code - long pants, hard shoes/boots, no tank tops.  It would be best if you could wear a 4H shirt of your choice.

Also, we have some additional info from Pat Loring as below:

   We're so glad the Farmtastic 4-H members will be a big part of Farm Day again this year. Just a reminder about barn preparation and set up. Please arrive by 9 AM, when we will all begin setting up. We have two tables assigned to your group. And this year, there is a special need for barn and calf clean up, so families seeing the barn for the first time are not greeted by a mess. Also, parking is always a problem on Farm Day. Please be sure the members are dropped off and any cars that must stay at Winter Street are parked in the field where the handicapped parking is located.

   And, the Agrimark truck will be arriving in the middle of Farm Day again this year, so it would be very helpful if the 4-H members could help to make sure people are safely out of the way of the truck.

   Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to meeting you on Saturday.

   Pat Loring

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, September 6, 2011

4H Reminder from Mrs. Peavey

Just a reminder of the dress code for both Farm Day, and the Corn Festival:

Plymouth county 4H shirt and long pants and boots..
no shorts, flip flops and tank tops will be allowed at either location.
Thank you
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, September 2, 2011

Farm Day at O'Neil Farm and the Corn Festival

Well, it looks like Saturday Sept 17 is going to be a busy day for the 4Hers!  Farm Day at O'Neil Farm will be on Sat Sept 17 (rain date Sept 18) - I'm sorry for sending out the wrong date in a previous post.  We would like to do something similar to last year - sell baked goods and bottled water at the farm, as well as have the kids take out their calves for intervals for the public to "meet and greet".   I will be able to be there all day to help hold down the fort - other parent volunteers and all 4Her's are welcomed and encouraged to attend!!  Big Jim will be at the Corn Festival at the Natural Science Center in Norwell - anyone who would like to join him there is also welcome to do so.  Unfortunately, Susan will not be able to attend that weekend.   Please let us know what you and your 4Her's will be able to do that weekend, so that we can plan ahead.  I'm sure I'll have more details to follow!

Thank you
Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

4H Updates

Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm a little sad the fair is over.  Everyone did such a good job and it was so much fun!  But moving on, Susan and Big Jim have asked me to let you know about upcoming events.

This Saturday 9/3 - BARN MEETING CANCELED due to the holiday.

Next meeting will be Monday September 12, 6-7:30 pm at the fairgrounds.

Next Barn Day Saturday September 17 at O'Neil Farm.  We will be preparing for Farm Day, which is Sunday September 18.

Don't forget to send me your great pix from the fair so I can finally update the pix on the website!!

Thank you
Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Fair Clean Up Day and Fair Thank You

Thank you to the club members and families who helped out at the Marshfield fair. What a fantastic week it was until hurricane Irene decided to cut our fun short!
The Oneil cows will be heading back to the farm on Monday morning around 8a, we are asking that everyone be at the fairgrounds around 9a to complete the clean up. All fair premiums will be given out on Monday after clean up is complete.
Jimmy and I would like to thank everyone again for all your dedication and hard work at the Marshfield fair.
We would like to put some new pictures on the website so if you would like to share some pictures please email to Maryellen Lee
Jimmy and I also would like to thank the club members who did not show but did help out during the week, it is most appreciated.
Thank you again and congratulations to everyone!
See you all Monday morning.

Susan and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, August 26, 2011

4H Fair Schedule Changes Due to Impending Hurricane

The awards ceremony for the Marshfield Fair has been moved to Saturday after the dog show (around noon) due to the impending hurricane. All 4-H activities scheduled for Sunday have been cancelled and the animals will be leaving the fair sometime Saturday with those animals traveling the farthest leaving first.
Some other changes are: the beef show scheduled for Sat is today at 11 am. The sheep achievement will be at 1 pm, horse achievement is at 3 pm and the auction is at 6 pm. The dog show will still be going on at 9 am tomorrow. We will update you as more information becomes available.

Leaders: your enrollment packages are available at the 4-H office. You may pick them up today until 11:30 am, Mon, Wed or Fri. next week between 8:30 am and 2 pm.

Thank you

4-H office

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

4H Fair Reminders and Dates

Hello All,
A few reminders about the upcoming Marshfield Fair that opens this week, Friday August 19th at 12 PM!!
The Plymouth County 4-H Advisory Council is still looking for help staffing the 4-H Water Booths at the Fair.  There are 2 booths, which each need 2 shifts per day, for the duration of the Fair, Aug 19-28.  Shifts are 12-4 or 4-8.  This is the main fundraiser for the Plymouth County 4-H Program, we raise over $4000 each year with this fundraiser.  We have over 300+ kids in 4-H in Plymouth County, please help support our programs by donating a shift of 4 hours at the Water Booth.  We should be able to fill these time slots without a problem, please pass this on to your 4-H'ers and their families so we can fill all shifts.  For more info contact Marie Van Slyck at meekvan@aol.com   If you have questions please let me know.
Also 4-H Records and Posters for Achievement shows are due Sat, Aug 20th at the show office.  Please remind your 4-H'ers that these must be entered on time for judging. 
Demonstrations will be happening all week during the fair.  Any 4-H'er can do a demonstration on a topic of their choice.  It should be similar to a 4-H Visual Presentation, but must be 30 mins long.  You will earn a $10 stipend of all demonstrations you complete.  Please see Lisa Zadrozny at the Fair for more info.  Kids will be able to sign up the day of if they are just coming in for the day.  We will do our best to accomidate all 4-H'ers who would like to do a demonstration.
4-H Day is Wed, Aug 24, all 4-H'ers are welcome to attend and participate in the activities for that day.  Please let me know if you have questions regarding 4-H Day.
Hope to see many of you at the Marshfield Fair!  Enjoy the remaining days of summer!
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, August 15, 2011

4H Extra Meetings and Fair Info

Happy Monday to everyone,
Jimmy and I wanted to thank all of you who helped with the clean up day on Saturday. The barns are looking great for the arrival of the animals. I am sure the public will think so too!
We are fast approaching opening day at Marshfield fair and Jimmy and I wanted to go over a couple of things as we are all preparing for animal transport and shows.
There will not be a meeting at Oneils tonight as the weather does not look like it will be in our favor. There will be a meeting on Wednesday from 6-730p for all of you that would like to wash your cows and  for those who would like to start clipping your cows. It is a good idea to start clipping your cows a few days earlier than your show date so that you can use your show date to clean up your clipping..It takes many hours to prepare your cow for a show so we suggest a good washing before clipping too!
Merrie, along with some of the older girls will be available to assist and answer your questions regarding the clipping. Each handler is responcible to clip their own cow with no help from parents.
I hope everyone has looked at the list for the items needed for the fair. Please make sure that you label all your belongings. Each cow will need a water bucket it is a good idea to put the cows name on the bucket. Grain buckets will be provided from Oneil's farm. A white board has been put in the shavings room with each cow's name on it and the feeding schedule, please make sure to check this daily.
Aug 18th animal check in day for Marshfield fair 3-930p...All club members are required to help out with the arrival of the animals..
Please plan on meeting at Oneil farm around 330p all cows will need to be fed before they can leave the farm. When you arrive at Oneil's please talk with Chris and ask him what your cow will need. I am asking that parents please do not just drop off their child until either Alexa or myself is their to transport the cows around 430p. Your child will travel with their cow from Oneil's to the Marshfield fair. I suggest sending your child with drinks and food as it is a long day and they will not be leaving till around 930p.  
a Mandatory safety meeting will be held around 8p-930p and all fair entry bracelets will be given out at safety meeting, parents are also invited to be at the safety meeting. 
Aug 19th opening day of Marshfield fair..barn meeting at 830a. Jimmy and I are asking that everyone plan on being at the barn meeting for opening day.  
I understand that everyone has busy schedules but please make the time to be at these meetings.
Also a reminder that proper attire should be worn at the barn and at the fair at all times. Long pants and t-shirts with closed toe shoes/boots. It is always good to have an extra set of clothes in your show box.( there is a nice clean shower available too)
There is an area in the dressing room to hang your show clothes, please make sure they are all labeled. 
Andrea and Jeff went over cell phone issues. Cell phones should not be used while you are in the barn. If you need to contact your parents kindly go over to the picnic tables in the food area make your call or text and then put your phone away. Please remember why you are at the fair. You are on display along with your animal.  
A sign up sheet will be available later this weeks for help at the fair. If you sign up for a shift and find out that you can not cover the shift please make sure to contact Jimmy or Susan with the person who will cover that shift.
Please take a look at the Marshfield fair booklet in advance to know what dates the different shows are. Please do not sign up for barn shifts when you are going to be getting ready for a show, when you sign up for barn shifts they will require that you will be in the barn and greeting the public to our 4H barns. 
the following will be the times for barn shifts, we are looking for 4 ppl and 2 adults per shift 
If you can please email me by Tuesday what shifts you can cover. I will send back a completed list by Thursday am. 
Oneil farm will have 12 cows going to the fair. It is going to be a busy week and will need a lot of help from all club members and parents.
Jimmy and I are looking forward to a fun time at the Marshfield fair.  
FYI  Jimmy's cell 339-793-3775
       Susan's cell 781-308-9727
we will have our phones on us at all times..
Thank you again,
Susan and Jimmy

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, August 12, 2011

4H - A NASCO Show Animal Contest

A fun opportunity you all may want to participate in!!

Having trouble reading this email? View it in your browser.

Nasco's Show Us Your  Show Animal Contest

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fair Supply List

Back by popular demand!!

Farm Supply List

Extra Meetings and Fair Info

Here is the official info:

1. Aug 10th meeting at Oneil's barn 6-730p 
2. Aug 12th meeting at Oneil's barn 6-730p
3. Aug 13 Marshfield fair clean up day at dairy barn 9-12p pizza will be served..all club members are asked to help out.
4. Aug 13th possible meeting at the barn 6-730p?
5. Aug 18th animal check in day for Marshfield fair 3-930p...All club members are required to help out with the arrival of the animals..a Mandatory safety meeting will be held around 8p-930p and  all fair entry bracelets will be given out at safety meeting. 
6. Aug 19th opening day of Marshfield fair..barn meeting at 830a. Jimmy and I are asking that everyone plan on being at the barn meeting for opening day.  
I understand that everyone has busy schedules but please make the time to be at these meetings.
Also a reminder that proper attire should be worn at the barn and at the fair at all times. Long pants and t-shirts with closed toe shoes/boots. It is always good to have an extra set of clothes in your show box. 
A sign up sheet will be available later this weeks for help at the fair. If you sign up for a shift and find out that you can not cover the shift please make sure to contact Jimmy or Susan with the person who will cover that shift.
Please take a look at the Marshfield fair booklet in advance to know what dates the different shows are. Please do not sign up for barn shifts when you are going to be getting ready for a show, when you sign up for barn shifts they will require that you will be in the barn and greeting the public to our 4H barns. 
Oneil farm will have 12 cows going to the fair. It is going to be a busy week and will need a lot of help from all club members and parents.
Jimmy and I are looking forward to a fun time at the Marshfield fair.  
FYI  Jimmy's cell 339-793-3775
       Susan's cell 781-308-9727
we will have our phones on us at all times..
Thank you again,
Susan and Jimmy

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, August 8, 2011

Extra Meetings this Week

There are tentative barn meetings scheduled for Weds Aug 10 and Friday Aug 12 at the O'Neil Farm from 6-7:30 pm.  Please watch the blog and your email for confirmation and/or changes.  Merrie will be working with the kids to get them ready for the fair. 

Also a reminder - Fair Clean-up day is this Saturday Aug 11 9-12 at the fairgrounds!!  We will need all hands on deck.

Also, if you didn't get the email RE fair supplies, we have hard copies at the meetings, or let me know and I'll resend it to you.

Thank you

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Meeting tonight, Monday Aug 8

 Hey guys,
Monday  we have a meeting from 6 to 7:30pm, but instead of having it at the fair grounds we will be at the farm to work more with our cows! Hope to see you guys there!
thanks Merrie

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

4H Barn Meeting this Saturday

 Hey guys,
We have a meeting this saturday Aug 6  from 8:30 am to 10am.  I hope that works for everyone!  We can do what every you guys feel you need to do! If you feel like you need to bathe we can bathe, clip etc.  Just let me know so i can plan ahead!   Maybe start thinking about clipping... its good to have the cows clipped before we go to fair!  Hope to see everyone has a cow there!!!
Thanks,  Merrie :)

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Picture from Vet Check Day

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4H Thank you and updates

A huge thank you to  everyone for coming to the vet check today.  It was a big help! and a great learning experience.
For those of you who are  not showing but are going to be at the fair helping out we still need their code of conduct, health forms and birth certificates  IMrs. Peavey does need these forms asap as they should have been in the clubs paperwork that she is  turning in today to Jeff..If we do not have the forms then they will not be able to help out.
The club will have 12 cows at the fair this summer..It should be a lot of fun we are really looking forward to it. ..

Great news for us all - Merrie is going to set up one day a week to be at the barn for the kids.  Stay tuned for details.

Mrs. Peavey, Lisa and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, July 18, 2011

O'Neil Farm tomorrow (Tues 7/19) at 4

Hey guys,
Tomorrow afternoon around 4 me and Mrs. Peavey will be at the farm! If you plan on coming just let one of us know! We can work on anything you guys want to. Im open to anything... batheing, clipping or just working with your cows! Please let me know!
Thanks, Merrie

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Reminder about Monday's Vet Check

This is another reminder for the vet check on Monday at Oneil farm 830-12n
If you did not complete your fair forms at the meeting on Monday you will
need to turn them in to me on Monday. If you were not at the meeting on
Monday and do not show up at the barn on Monday your cow will not be vet

just a reminder that you need to have a health form, birth certificate,lease
forms, 15.00 for Mr. Oneil and all your completed fair forms at the farm on
Monday for Vet check.

Thank you,
Susan B. Peavey



Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Meeting Cancelled Sat, July 16

 Hey guys,
We have to cancel the meeting this Saturday, due to the fact that neither Big Jim, Mrs. Peavey nor I will be able to attend! But don't forget that on Monday the 18th we have a vet check at the farm at 8:30. Please don't forget! It is very important in order to be able to lease your cow for the show season!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Fair Supply List

Please find attached a copy of the suggested fair supply list. Farm Supply List

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


4H Forms and Attendance at Meetings for Fair Eligibility

Hi Everyone -

Just a note to remind you that the 4H forms for leasing and showing, along with the $15.00 towards the vet check,  must be given in person to either Mrs. Peavey or Big Jim by  Monday, July 18 at the latest.  (see previous post on how to access).  If you were unable to attend tonight's meeting at the fairgrounds, and you also do not attend the vet check at O'Neil Farm on July 18,  then you will no longer be eligible to lease a cow for this season.  These cows will then either be released to other 4Her's who were not able to have their own calf this season, or pulled out entirely from the fair and not be checked by the vet. 

The fair just finished adding in all the forms on their website, it would seem.  So if you checked some time ago, and could not find the forms you need - check again and they should be there now.  Don't forget the health forms for the kids.

Thank you, and see you Monday,
Susan, Lisa and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

4H Vet check and upcoming meetings

The vet will be at Oneil farm on Monday July 18 anyone who is showing an Oneil farm cow will need to be at the vet check. Plan on arriving around 830a-noon if it ends earlier then the kids can work with their cows! At this time please have your completed lease agreement and 15.00 for Mr. Carl Oneil.

There will be a monthly meeting on Monday July 11 from 6-730p we will be going over the Marshfield fair entry forms. These forms can be printed from the Marshfield fair booklet on line. Please bring the forms and you checks for entry. If you need help with the forms leave them blank and we will fill them out with you!

The fair will be here before we know it so please make the time to work with your cows!

See everyone on the 11th and the 18th. These are two very important meetings!

Thank You,

Susan, Big Jim and Lisa

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, June 16, 2011

4H Movie Night

Hello All,
A reminder that the East Middleboro 4-H Movie Night will be held on Saturday, June 18th at 8 PM at the 4-H Clubhouse, 183 Thompson Street, Middlerboro, MA.  Please forward this on to your club members. 
The movie night will feature two movies Shrek the Third and The Goonies.  A donation of $10 per car load is recommended for this night of family fun.  Please bring your own blankets and chairs as the movies will be shown on the lawn at the clubhouse under the stars.  Refreshments will be available and there will also be a raffle to win DVD's of the movies. 
If you have questions please let me know, all proceeds will benefit East Middleboro 4-H programs. 
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, June 13, 2011

4H Meeting

Hey guys,
Just a reminder that we have a meeting tomorrow night, Monday 6/13, at the fair grounds.  From 6-7:30pm.  We will be going over what we need for showing etc. 
Hope to See All of You There!
Thanks, Merrie

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fwd: Farm & Ranch June Specials from Nasco

just wanted to pass this along
thank you
Susan B. Peavey
Sandals and Beaches certified agency
Susan Peavey Travel Inc
252 Tea Rock Lane
Marshfield MA 02050
----- Original Message -----
From: Nasco
Sent: Wednesday, June 01, 2011 9:15 AM
Subject: Farm & Ranch June Specials from Nasco

Having trouble reading this email? View it in your browser.

Nasco Farm and Ranch 2011 June Specials
Dear Subscriber:

Thank you for your interest in Nasco Farm & Ranch! We are happy to provide you with special price offers, product updates, and other useful information via email. You will receive information about once a month.

Free Catalogs!

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These special offers are only available to select Nasco customers and may include deep discount prices, quantity price breaks, special closeout items, and/or free products. Don't miss out on these great deals!

May 2011 Specials

Let Us Know How You Feel!

We are always looking for ways to better serve you. Feel free to contact us at custserv@eNasco.com or at 1-800-558-9595 with any suggestions you have about products we should offer, services we can provide, or the type of information you would like to receive from us via email.

We appreciate your interest in our products and we look forward to serving you! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Chuck Miller
Director of Agricultural Sales
Dedicated to Delivery

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Nasco-Fort Atkinson, 901 Janesville Avenue, Fort Atkinson WI 53538
Nasco-Modesto, 4825 Stoddard Road, Modesto CA 95356-9318
Copyright © 2011 Nasco

To ensure you receive our email updates, make sure you add noreply@nascopromotions.com to your address book.
If you prefer not to receive future email from eNasco.com, please unsubscribe me from the list.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

4H Barn Meeting this Saturday and June Newsletter

Just a reminder we have a barn meeting at the O'neil Farm this Saturday, June 4, 9-10:30.  Please find attached the Plymouth County 4H Newsletter for June.

Newsletter 0611
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


A Reminder From Mrs. Peavey

A reminder of dress code at the barn..
no shorts will be allowed for any 4H function
long pants, boots and tshirt....no tank tops either..
this is a safety reason..
thank you 
thank you
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Marshfield Fair Exhibit Handbook and Dates

Hello All,
The Marshfield Fair Exhibit Handbook has now been posted to the website.  Please go to www.marshfieldfair.org Click on Exhibitor's Handbook in left colum, then scroll down and click on 4-H/Animals.  I know that the header on the web page says 2010, however when you open the actual documents, entry forms, etc they are for the current 2011 Fair. 
Exhibit Books will not be mailed this year.  Please refer to the website for all information.  If you you have questions, please contact me and I will get you the information you need and can provide copies of entry forms to clubs. 
Please also note that there has been some changes to the fair schedule.  4-H/Agriculture Awareness Day is now Wednesday, August 24.  Please also note the deadlines for entry forms, 4-H Achievement shows, livestock shows, dog shows and poultry show entries are due by July 11. 
Please pass this on to anyone who is looking for information on this year's fair and we hope to see many of you there over the summer!
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341
P: 781-293-3541
F: 781-293-3916

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

4H Livestock Mini Conference

Livestock Cover LetterLivestock Conference 1

Monday, May 16, 2011

4H update

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are still waiting on the list of cows available from Mr. Oneil and Mr. Jeff Chandler and as soon as we have the list of cows then we will assign them to the 4H member.
also this is a reminder that the club was asked to participate in the Yesterdays at the Winslow House and Daniel Webster Estate on Monday May 30th from noon-3p. anyone that is interested in helping out plz let me know. You can either dress in your 4H t-shirts with blue jeans or wear the clothes from that time period..
June 3rd 4p-9p I will be hosting the annual alpaca and sheep shearing at my house any one interested in seeing how a sheep or alpaca is shorn is more than welcome to come by 252 Tea Rock Lane, Marshfield
my home number is 781-837-8288
this will take place rain or shine as we shear in my garage...I welcome all club members and families to come by and meet the shearer and ask questions....
just a reminder that there is a barn meeting on May 21st from 9-1030a at the Oneil farm..I am hoping that this will be the day that you will meet your cow for Marshfield fair :)
Hope to see everyone soon....
Thank you for all that attended our meeting last Monday night with Molly Volmer.
Have a great day
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

4H May Newsletter

Please find attached the May Newsletter.  Lots of summer info in there too!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

http://farmtastic4h.blogspot.com/ Newsletter 0511

Saturday, May 7, 2011

4H Monday Meeting Reminder

Susan just wanted me to send out a quick reminder to make sure everyone is aware the next monthly 4H meeting is this Monday, May 9, at  6 - 7:30 at the Marshfield Fair Grounds.  IT IS AN IMPORTANT MEETING!  Each child should have a parent or guardian present.  Leasing of the cows/calves for the year will be undertaken, and if you can remember to bring your lease forms, that would be great.  Fill out as much as you can in advance - the names of the cows etc. will have to be filled in at the meeting.

See you there!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

4H Awards Night Program

Hi Sue and Kim,
> Here is the program booklet from awards.  I will bring the other awards to
> the kids on May 9 for the meeting.
> Thanks!
> Molly

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

http://farmtastic4h.blogspot.com/ Awards Night Program 2010

Livestock Farm Day Educational Opportunity at Tufts Vet School

Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know about an educational opportunity available at Tufts, up in North Grafton at the Vet School.  It is free of charge and open to all.  (There is a charge for lunch, programs are free) It will be hands on, so expect to get a little dirty!  Below is the information and registration info if you are interested.  This is not a 4H event per se, but it certainly seems right up our alley.

Have fun,
Maryellen Lee

Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (OASDFR) Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP)
Community Food Projects (CFP) presents
Livestock Farm Day
Saturday, May 7, 2011 from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Tufts University Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine in North Grafton, MA
9:45 - 10:45
Pasture Management Basics
Poultry Basics Workshop*
10:45 - 11:45
Egg Grading and Processing Workshop*
Meat Marketing Workshop
11:45 - 12:45
Lunch (pig roast or brown bag) and networking
Come join
12:45 - 1:45
Swine Basics Workshop*
Sheep Basics Workshop
1:45 - 2:45
Beef Basics Workshop
Goat Basics Workshop*
Q&As with the experts
Schedule of events:
* Spanish translation available!
Registration is FREE for all workshops and the trade show. Lunch (pig roast, sides, and drinks) are available for purchase. Families, children, and students welcome. To register, please email sanderson@comteam.org.
Two educational workshops are available per session. All workshops are beginner to intermediate level and will be hands-on and participatory--expect to learn practical skills and more!
Funding and support for the Livestock Field School series is provided in part by:
Visit nesfp.nutrition.tufts.edu/resources/farmdayschool.html for details.
for the 2011

Susan E M Brogan
Director,Continuing Education
Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine
f- 508-887-4539

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

4H Poster at Fits Mill

Susan wanted you all to be able to see your finished product, which was on display at Fitts Mill.
Great job.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Sunday, April 24, 2011

4H Important meeting update reminders

I just wanted to make sure that everyone has the date of May 9th as the next monthly meeting..6p-730p.This will be a mandatory meeting for all parents and 4H members as Molly Volmer will be conducting the meeting regarding lease requirements for the Marshfield fair.
If you are not planning to commit to showing at the Marshfield Fair, Jimmy, Lisa and I need to know that before May 1st. It is very expensive for Mr. O'Neil to have the cows vet checked for the fair. There also needs to be a commitment that the cows will be worked with during the summer to prepare them for the different shows at the Marshfield Fair.  As of today Marshfield Fair will be the only fair that the club will be participating in
Barn meetings will be MAY 7th and MAY 21st
Thank you,
Susan ,Lisa and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Green Earth Fest

 I will be bringing the alpacas, sheep and goat to this any club member is welcome to come and help me...
Please wear your 4H shirt and jeans..
thank you
Susan B. Peavey
Sandals and Beaches certified agency
Susan Peavey Travel Inc
252 Tea Rock Lane
Marshfield MA 02050
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 12, 2011 6:02 AM
Subject: Green Earth Fest

Green Earth Fest

Earth Recycle  

Bring the family, join the eco-fun! 


Sunday, April 17th

11:00 am-4:00 pm

Adult: $5   Child: $3 (ages 2-15)

~Maximum $20 per family~

Admission includes all activities



11:30 am - Meet an Animal
12:00 pm - Story Time
12:30 pm - Music: Michael McCusker "Kid Power"

1:00 pm - Music: Bob Azanow

1:30 pm - Meet HEDWIG the Owl

2:00 pm - Music: Michael McCusker "Kid Power"

3:00 pm - Meet an Animal




Face Painting

Environmental Exhibitors
Vendors & Crafters
Kids' Games & Eco-crafts
Face Painting
Make music w/Recycled Rhythms
Forest Elf Village
Farm Animals



Earth Recycle 



Funding in part by Norwell Cultural Council, Snow & Jones Inc., and Weston Solutions Inc. & Green Grid.

Check out the details on this programs and more anytime at our website
  48 Jacobs Lane, Norwell                                                                                  781-659-2559 ~

This email was sent to pv.travel@verizon.net by marthabtwigg@comcast.net |  
South Shore Natural Science Center | 48 Jacobs Lane | Norwell | MA | 02061

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
