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Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Family Support Bag Charity


As mentioned in the previous e-mail, there is a charity drive going on that calls for several items that can be collected at the awards night or at our next meeting. This charity event is one that is put on by the Plymouth County 4H Ambassadors, with the recipients being homeless families (primarily mothers and children), many who have been the victims of domestic abuse. Our goal is to produce 150+ bags that hold comforting objects such as a blanket to keep warm and a stuffed animal for the children, as well as multiple other practical necessities that can be found in the flier attached. If you would like to contribute, donations of these items would be appreciated and will be collected at all meetings leading up to awards night. If you cannot make any of the meetings but would still like to donate, please just reply in an e-mail or contact Corinne to figure out a time we can meet.

Thank you, 
Corinne Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Family Support Bags

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Upcoming Dates

Just a reminder we have our monthly meeting Mon Jan 11 6-7:30 at the Fairgrounds.  Also the Plymouth County 4H Awards Banquet is coming up Friday Jan 22 at Emerald Hall - 30 Central St - Abington. Dinner at 6, Awards at 7.  What to bring: Donation to Silent Auction and Community Service Homeless Family Support Bags.  I am guessing I am not alone in needing an explanation of what those Bags consist of, so look for that at the monthly meeting.  Don't bring dessert this year.  RSVP 774-404-7020 or acampora@umass.edu

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
