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Sunday, December 14, 2008

Toast's Calf

Toast's baby. Born Friday morning, the 12th.  Not yet named

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Reminder about 4H Records review -- Duxbury Library -- Monday, Dec. 8 7:00 pm


I would like to get started at 7:00 pm so get there a little earilier
if you can. The library closes at 8:00 pm
I will try and get a room upstairs for the meeting. If not, we'll be
at one of the tables upstairs.
Bring your binders and a pen/pencil.
See you there.

Thanks, Kim Glattstein

Friday, December 5, 2008

This is Daffy's calf. She was born 12/4 and is named Daphne.


hey guys just wanted to remind everyone about the tree farm this weekend. as far as i know everyone has a ahift if you don't know when your shift is i believe mrs.hunt knows and scheduled them, just ask her.  thank you see yall there. bye!!!! and if you dont have a shift but want to come anyway feel free, i'll be there most of the time anyway, i could use some company.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tree farm schedule and directions

Many thanks for the quick response which helped to make this schedule very easy:



Nicole Gavin


Olivia Zelvis

Elise McAllister

Megan Glattstein

Haylee McAllister

Sabrina Linskey



Tori Coyman


Brendan Coyman





Catherine Jordan


Emilie Peavee

Casey Keohan

Shannon Hunt

Sarah Duffy


Sarah DiVasta




The address is 214R West Street, Duxbury, Ma.
Directions from Duxbury:  Take Route 3A North, turning left at the traffic light onto West Street.  The Christmas tree farm is about 1/2 mile on the right.
Directions from Marshfield:  Take 3A South, turning right at the traffic light onto West Street. The Christmas tree farm is about 1/2 mile down on the right.
Directions from Route #3:  Take Exit 11 to 14 East.  Bear right at the blinking light at the fork just past the police station  The Christmas tree farm is about 3/4 mile on the left (You are still on 14 aka West Street.)
Baked goods can be dropped off at the Hunt's on Friday if you choose.  Dress warm.  Wear your holiday gear.  See you then.

Start Your 4H Project Records

Meet at the Duxbury Library on Monday from 7-8pm.    I will introduce the new members to 4H records and show them where to find the information on the web.     All members who want to get started on their records are welcome.   Email me: kglatt@comcast.net  if you can come.

Kim Glattstein   

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Duxbury Tree Farm

Our next fundraiser will be held the weekend of December 6th and 7th at the Tree Farm on Route 14 in Duxbury.  Please email mary.hunt@verizon.net with the time you will be available to work.  Everyone is asked to bake some holiday cookies and plate and wrap them in groups of 12 so that they will be easy to handle and sell in the cold weather.  Dress warm!  If you can, wear a fun Santa hat!  The working schedule will be posted on Wednesday evening. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Farm Meeting and Helping out at the farm with the Girl Scouts.

Saturday's meeting at 8:30 am.   Please bring your Green Dairy book if you have one.

Novice information and activity:

Identifying the breeds of calves.
Review breed information sheets.
Fill in Dairy Breed Summary.
Name 3 of each of the O’Neil cows that match Holstein, Jersey, Milking Shorthorn, Guernsey

Junior information and activity.   (Novices will work with the Juniors)

Review Identification methods on page 9.
Identify a calf by sketching both sides of the animal. page 8
Show and explain to the novices the ear tags.
Demonstration on tatooing a calve. **awaiting confirmation
Review problems that can occur through inproper cleaning of ear tag/tatooing equipment

Experienced Junior and Senior information and activity.

Scoring a Cow’s Body Condition
Dairy book 3 pages 5 - 7 and supplemental body scoring information from Purdue University.
Each girl pick one cow and prepare a score card for it. Review score cards with each other.

Please be at the farm this Sunday, Nov. 16 at 3:00 pm to help out with the dairy demonstrations for a Girl Scout visit. 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The newest Jerseys

Acorn is the one with the collar. Jill is due any day.

Sophia's Calf

Here is a picture of Sophia's calf.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New Calves at the Farm

Welcome to:

Sophia's new female calf born yesterday -- to be named.

Autumn's new female calf Acorn born this afternoon.

Bittersweet's new bull calf born this afternoon.

The pictures are of Bittersweets calf and Acorn. My camera was out of batteries so I'll get more tomorrow for ya'll.


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Great Morning at the Farm

Thank you Megan, Sabrina, Sidney, Hayley, and Tory for helping out with showing Sara, Sarah, Casey, and Sophia around the farm. Some of the calves are really caked with dirt so when ya'll go out there spend some time with the wire curry comb and try and brush some of it off. Beefcake really needs some work.

No new calves --- Autumn and Bittersweet are due this week.

Remember -- records are due soon. Add your information from the fair and community service work from the O'Neil Farm day, Marshfield Farm Day, and anything else you've helped out with.

Next Meeting: Monday, Nov. 10th.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

At the Farm on Saturday at 8:30 am

Please come to the farm on Saturday. We will be introducing the new members to rules at the farm, farm chores, and, of course, to meet the cows. . I'd like if some of the junior/senior members would come and demonstrate the feeding of the calves and other chores Terri asks us to help out with. Also, it has been a while since everyone was out for a pen cleanup so any help you can give Elise would be appreciated. We'll meet at 8:30 am.

Thanks, Kim Glattstein

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Singing at the Farmer's Market

Sorry I wasn't able to get the full concert on tape. I should've known the girls have such widespread talents. kg

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sue's house is on Autumn Ave, next to Chief's fields.  Call if you need directions.

Thanks - look forward to seeing you!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Reminder -- Bake for the Farmer's Market

Please remember to bake something to sell at Friday's Farmer's Market.    Have a good weekend and enjoy the Fall weather.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Farmer's market

For anyone interested, we will be making the chocolate cow pops on Wednesday, October 22, 6:30-7:30, at Sue's house on Winter Street.  Please email mary.hunt@verizon.net if you will be there.  mh

Monday, October 13, 2008

October Calf assignments for Registration

Sydney will work with Sue in getting pictures of the Guerneys she needs.
Megan will register Joy.
Jaime will work with Sue in registering Juanita, Judy, Harley, and
Lindsey.     kg

Upcoming Dates

October 24 -- 2 - 7 pm  -- Marshfield Farmer's Market -- We will sell bags, candy pops, water,  and O'Neil Historic Farm tshirts.   We will also have some of the cows  and other animals there for demonstrations.  
November 1 -- 8:30 - 10am - O'Neil farm 4h meeting -- new members will be shown around the barn and rules will be discussed; previous members come to help share information about the cows and barn;  Elise can also use help with the pen clean-up.
November 10 -- 6 - 7:30m pm  -- Marshfield Fairground -- 4h club meeting; 
November 17 -- 4H records are due.
December 6,7 -- Christmas Tree Sale -- Probably sell hot chocolate, etc. ; will discuss at next mtg.


New Blog for the purpose of the Farmtastic 4H Club

This is a place where you can communicate club news, share pictures, and have a central location for links or documents that need to be shared amongst club members.   
