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Friday, September 16, 2011

Farm Day Reminders

Hi Everyone,

Just a reminder that Farm Day at the O'Neil Farm is tomorrow, Sept 17 11-3 - but please arrive at 9.  Mrs. Peavey would like me to remind you to bring nicely wrapped baked goods to be sold as a fundraiser for the club.  Also please remember the dress code - long pants, hard shoes/boots, no tank tops.  It would be best if you could wear a 4H shirt of your choice.

Also, we have some additional info from Pat Loring as below:

   We're so glad the Farmtastic 4-H members will be a big part of Farm Day again this year. Just a reminder about barn preparation and set up. Please arrive by 9 AM, when we will all begin setting up. We have two tables assigned to your group. And this year, there is a special need for barn and calf clean up, so families seeing the barn for the first time are not greeted by a mess. Also, parking is always a problem on Farm Day. Please be sure the members are dropped off and any cars that must stay at Winter Street are parked in the field where the handicapped parking is located.

   And, the Agrimark truck will be arriving in the middle of Farm Day again this year, so it would be very helpful if the 4-H members could help to make sure people are safely out of the way of the truck.

   Thanks so much for your help. I look forward to meeting you on Saturday.

   Pat Loring

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


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