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Monday, August 15, 2011

4H Extra Meetings and Fair Info

Happy Monday to everyone,
Jimmy and I wanted to thank all of you who helped with the clean up day on Saturday. The barns are looking great for the arrival of the animals. I am sure the public will think so too!
We are fast approaching opening day at Marshfield fair and Jimmy and I wanted to go over a couple of things as we are all preparing for animal transport and shows.
There will not be a meeting at Oneils tonight as the weather does not look like it will be in our favor. There will be a meeting on Wednesday from 6-730p for all of you that would like to wash your cows and  for those who would like to start clipping your cows. It is a good idea to start clipping your cows a few days earlier than your show date so that you can use your show date to clean up your clipping..It takes many hours to prepare your cow for a show so we suggest a good washing before clipping too!
Merrie, along with some of the older girls will be available to assist and answer your questions regarding the clipping. Each handler is responcible to clip their own cow with no help from parents.
I hope everyone has looked at the list for the items needed for the fair. Please make sure that you label all your belongings. Each cow will need a water bucket it is a good idea to put the cows name on the bucket. Grain buckets will be provided from Oneil's farm. A white board has been put in the shavings room with each cow's name on it and the feeding schedule, please make sure to check this daily.
Aug 18th animal check in day for Marshfield fair 3-930p...All club members are required to help out with the arrival of the animals..
Please plan on meeting at Oneil farm around 330p all cows will need to be fed before they can leave the farm. When you arrive at Oneil's please talk with Chris and ask him what your cow will need. I am asking that parents please do not just drop off their child until either Alexa or myself is their to transport the cows around 430p. Your child will travel with their cow from Oneil's to the Marshfield fair. I suggest sending your child with drinks and food as it is a long day and they will not be leaving till around 930p.  
a Mandatory safety meeting will be held around 8p-930p and all fair entry bracelets will be given out at safety meeting, parents are also invited to be at the safety meeting. 
Aug 19th opening day of Marshfield fair..barn meeting at 830a. Jimmy and I are asking that everyone plan on being at the barn meeting for opening day.  
I understand that everyone has busy schedules but please make the time to be at these meetings.
Also a reminder that proper attire should be worn at the barn and at the fair at all times. Long pants and t-shirts with closed toe shoes/boots. It is always good to have an extra set of clothes in your show box.( there is a nice clean shower available too)
There is an area in the dressing room to hang your show clothes, please make sure they are all labeled. 
Andrea and Jeff went over cell phone issues. Cell phones should not be used while you are in the barn. If you need to contact your parents kindly go over to the picnic tables in the food area make your call or text and then put your phone away. Please remember why you are at the fair. You are on display along with your animal.  
A sign up sheet will be available later this weeks for help at the fair. If you sign up for a shift and find out that you can not cover the shift please make sure to contact Jimmy or Susan with the person who will cover that shift.
Please take a look at the Marshfield fair booklet in advance to know what dates the different shows are. Please do not sign up for barn shifts when you are going to be getting ready for a show, when you sign up for barn shifts they will require that you will be in the barn and greeting the public to our 4H barns. 
the following will be the times for barn shifts, we are looking for 4 ppl and 2 adults per shift 
If you can please email me by Tuesday what shifts you can cover. I will send back a completed list by Thursday am. 
Oneil farm will have 12 cows going to the fair. It is going to be a busy week and will need a lot of help from all club members and parents.
Jimmy and I are looking forward to a fun time at the Marshfield fair.  
FYI  Jimmy's cell 339-793-3775
       Susan's cell 781-308-9727
we will have our phones on us at all times..
Thank you again,
Susan and Jimmy

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


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