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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Notes from Monday's meeting

Hey guys!

I want to start off by saying that I think we have a really great group
of kids this year and I'm really excited to see you all learn and grow
with your cows this summer! We had a great showing tonight and I
honestly couldn't be happier!

Anyways, for those of you who weren't at the meeting tonight, or those
of you who will forget to tell your parents everything we discussed, I
just wanted to send out a reminder. We talked about a lot tonight so
stay with me here...

First and probably most important... we decided on our summer meeting
times for this year!!
      As a group we decided these would probably be the times that work
best for the majority.

      The meeting schedule will go as follows.
                Every Monday and Wednesday at O'Neils 9am-10:30/11ish
                 1st and 3rd Saturday of each month at O'Neils
                 2nd Monday night of each month at the fairgrounds
6pm-7:30 (hasn't changed)

       Monday and Wednesdays will begin June 24th. I understand some of
us aren't out of school by then, but for those of you who get out early
on either day just ask me ahead of time and I'll be more than willing
to stay later with you! The new week days are just a trial, if they end
up not working for a majority of people they may be subject to change.
Ending times are flexible... it's whenever you're done or need to go!
       If those days don't work for you, or even if they do and you just
choose to work with your cow more, feel free to go outside of meeting
times. There will be a notebook in the barn for you to sign in when you
get there so we know who/when is going. If you choose to go outside of
meeting time, you MUST HAVE an adult or 2 junior leaders with you. This
is for you and your calves' safety. Also Chris is always very busy at the farm,
so please don't drop your child off and assume they will be supervised.
      Please try your best to make it to every meeting. Your hard work
with your calf this summer will pay off at the show, trust me it's
worth it!
      As a way to thank Mr. O'Neil for allowing us to lease his cows, we
will be cleaning pens at the farm this summer. Meetings will probably
be split between you cleaning pens and you working with your calf. Or
we may have you clean pens one meeting and work with your calf during
another. However we decide to do it, everyone will need to clean a pen
at some point, and I don't want the same 5 kids doing it all the time.

      NEXT, we will be going to the Marshfield Farmer's Market at the
Fairgrounds Friday June 21st from 2-6pm. We will be making baked goods,
bringing animals, doing crafts, and possibly selling reusable shopping
bags and face painting. Molly's aunt was kind enough to allow us to use
her kitchen the Monday and Tuesday before to make baked goods. It's
small so kids signed up for shifts at the meeting tonight. I'd like
around 4 people there including myself for each shift..

Kids who are currently signed up include:

MONDAY: 6/17
4-5: Becca and Dory
5-6: Sam, Maddie and Corinne
6-7: Jack?

4-5 Catie and Dom
5-6 Sadie and Kevin
6-7 Tim

**The kitchen is located at Acorn Canning Company, 1175 Ocean St.
Marshfield MA. (right after the Rexhame general store)

If you're available any of these times email me and let me know! If you
aren't available to help bake, but wish to drop off supplies such as
mix, pans, etc. feel free to do so at anytime we're there or at Big
Jim's ahead of time. We're planning on making Chocolate Chip cookies,
Brownies, Cake pops, and whatever else we get mix for that has no nuts
in it!

OK, sorry this is a lot of information but bear with me I'm almost

here's a list of all the buddies for this summer... anyone not listed
is just a free range buddy, you can work with whoever needs your help!

Jaime and Logun
Corinne and Nick
Sam and Catie
Danielle and Colby and Sadie
Alexa and Dory
Molly and Kevin
Catherine and Cassie and Tim
Maddie and Dom
Nicole and Cam
Becca and Ryanne

You may not know your buddy YET,  but don't be shy because you may have
a new best friend! I hope this is implied but I'll say it anyways, you
don't need to work strictly with your buddy, if somebody looks like
they need help, help them! Also, ask your older buddy anything you
aren't sure about! You might think it's a stupid question but they may
have had the same one when they were new!

Alright I'm basically done...

      We have a meeting this Saturday at the barn at 9am ...I will have
a printed out T-Shirt order form for those of you who didn't understand
or missed the online sign up, this will be the last meeting before I
place orders (for real this time) so if you can't make it but want a
shirt make sure you let me know what sizes you want! Also everyone will
need to prove to me that they can successfully tie a safety knot before
they take their cow out so bring your best knotting skills! (If you
don't know i'll be happy to teach you!)  :)

That's all I have to say for now... See you all Saturday!
Thanks, Jaime
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


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