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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Update from Jamie

Hey everyone just a couple of updates for now.

      At our last fair meeting( Jan 14th) we decided to change the
meeting schedule a bit. We want to be able to meet as much as possible
but obviously cant expect everyone to be at every meeting, but please
try to commit to at least 2 of the three meeting each month. The
schedule changes very rarely and isn't that hard to plan around. Our
new meeting times will be the first Thursday of each month from 6-7:30
at the fairgrounds, the second Monday of every month from 6-7:30 at the
fairgrounds (same as before) and the Third Saturday only at the barn
 from 9-10:30. please be sure to note that we moved the first barn
meeting of each month to the first Thursday night, because of the
weather and availability of members. Come spring this will probably be
changed back.

      We also discussed the possibility of doing group projects every
month, so that you guys can teach each other rather than me lecturing
for an hour and a half. February's project animal is going to be beef
cattle! At the meeting on Thursday each group or individual will sign
up for a certain category (i.e cuts of beef, digestion system, anatomy
etc.) and will do some research on their topic(at home) to present to
the club later in the month. We will work on posters/handouts the
Monday meeting that month, and present them at the Saturday meeting.
I'm not totally sure how well this is going to work out...it's kind of
a trial month...the more you guys put in to it the more you will get
out of it... so basically just have fun with it!

     Another big topic last meeting was T-shirts! We are putting in
another order very soon!! I don't have digital images of the designs
but will have copies at each of the next meetings. I'm setting the
order deadline at FEBRUARY 16TH. We have a barn meeting that day, and
two fair meetings before then. I won't need a payment on that day but
can't stress enough that you must give me your sizes and which style(s)
you want by the end of that meeting!!! I'm gunna feel really bad when i
have to tell you that you cant get a shirt because you're a week late
putting your sizes in so PLEASE don't put me in that position ):

     Also, VP season is upon us!!! EVERYONE in the club is REQUIRED to a
do Visual presentation. No this does not mean if you think you're
special you can just skip them. This means that EVERYONE is REQUIRED to
do one. If you cannot make the county day (March 2nd) you need to talk
to me so we can set up a day you will do one for the club. If there's
more than 3 people we may just devote an entire meeting to VP's and set
it up with judges(similar to the county day) and have fun with it! We
will be briefly discussing how to do a VP at the meeting this Thursday,
although i know some of you have heard it 1000 times already. 4-H
Visual Presentation Day will be Saturday, March 2 at the Silver Lake
Middle School in Kingston, MA. 4-Hers should arrive by 9am and
presentations will begin promptly at 9:30 and we hope to finish up by
12:30 PM. Information and registration forms are posted on the Plymouth
County 4-H Website at www.plymouthcounty4h.org Registrations are due to
the Plymouth County Extension Office by Feb 27. Please contact the
office or me if you have questions about signing up or about your
visual presentation.

OK just a few more things! sorry this is so lengthy..

1. I'd like everyone to be keeping a 4h binder. The county supplies
them and you should all have one. Especially with all the projects
coming up you need a way to keep organized and retain all this
information! You should also be keeping copies of your lease forms and
such in your binder! So please just get a three ring binder and some
white lined paper and bring it to all the meetings! If you don't have
one or can't get one just send me or big jim an email and we can easily
get you one!

2. Obviously this email had a lot of information, but if you had been
at the last meeting this wouldn't all be a bunch of breaking news to
you! As always, Meeting attendance is still an issue. I've seen a lot
of improvement which i am very grateful for, but I feel like we still
have less than half of the club at each meeting. Your meeting
attendance does matter and we do keep track! Come spring when you
haven't been at any winter meetings and you want a calf, you'll be at
the bottom of my list because there are kids who are at every meeting
and prove to me that they deserve to get a calf for the summer!  Sad
but true.

Alright now I'm done, enjoy your week and see you Thursday!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


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