Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
Dear Parents and Exhibitors,
We are happy to welcome your child to our 2013 Marshfield Fair. We feel a great responsibility in caring for your child while he/she is with us at the Fair. We would like to remind our exhibiting families of our policies.
As in previous years, the Fair Board is prepared to feed exhibitors on the days of their shows, and stewards will be fed daily. Volunteers, parents, siblings, and exhibitors not showing on that day are asked to please provide your own meals and snacks. Family and leaders are welcome to eat for a small $3.00/meal donation if sufficient food is available. If a child is hungry at the Fair at mealtime and their food has been forgotten or lost, please let the Kitchen Staff, know. Necessary arrangements will be made to see that the child is fed. To assist in meal planning, just click on this link: and indicate the meals that your exhibitor plans to eat at the 4-H Kitchen. You must register for meals by August 16th:
If you are dropping your child off for the day, after signing him/her in with the Activities Coordinator in the Livestock Office, help him/her find a place "behind the scenes" to store his/her gear, including their lunch bag or cooler. Most children will need two or three drinks for a 4-hour stretch at the Fair in August. A nutritious snack is also a good idea.
Midway Policy:
Any exhibitor who is at the Fair for the day or part of the day or as a steward will be allowed to go out on the midway. All exhibitors without their parents in direct proximity will stay within the boundaries of the livestock barns or the rest rooms. Trips to the rest rooms will be in pairs, and all exhibitors will check in with either the Livestock Superintendent or the Activities Coordinator before leaving and upon their return.
As mentioned above, we would appreciate your immediately sending us any forms checked above which were missing from your entry packet. If the required forms are not received in time, we regret that your exhibitor will not be allowed to participate.
Thank you for your cooperation with the above. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the office. We wish you all good luck in your shows, and, most importantly, have fun!
Marie A. Van Slyck
4-H Marshfield Fair Committee
Tel: (781)-934-6149
Fax: (781) 934-7149
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