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Saturday, April 28, 2012

UMass Dairy Camp Date Correction

Hi Everyone,

I was in touch with Carrie RE the date of the Novice Dairy Camp.  The flier lists June 11 as the date, but the correct date is Saturday, June 2.  The Advanced Camp is June 2 & 3 as listed.  I hope that clears up any confusion.

Maryellen Lee
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Green Fest Tomorrow

Hello Everyone , we will be at Green Fest ,(formerly Earthfest ) at the South Shore Natural Science Center on Jacobs lane in Norwell. My family has done this for many years now and have always put it out to club members as well. Free admission for all if anyone is interested. Sunday from 11 till 4 , wear your 4-h shirt and come on by for a while anytime. We will have Triscuit , two sheep and Obie so you can help out walking them around for the little ones. Triscuit will stay in her pen !! Hope to see you all ! Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


4H Blood Drive today

Hello again, also today there is a Red Cross blood drive in pembroke sponsored by the Hoof and Whiskers club and Plymouth County 4-h at the community center. I'm sure they would love any support we all could give. Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Junior Friends of the O'Neil Farm

The Historic O'Neil Farm board is starting a new Junior Friends Summer Program for ages 9 - 12 and would like the help of 1 or 2 4H members a session to demonstrate how to handle a calf and help to answer questions and show the kids around the farm.     The program starts on May 12 and runs through the summer 9-11 alternating Saturdays of the 4H meetings.    The kids in the program will not be handling the 4H leased calves, but if the helper would like to demonstrate using their own calf (and get some extra time working with their calf) that would be fine.    We'd like 4H members who are 13 and older and have at least 1 year experience in the club.     We hope some of the kids in the program will be interested in joining 4H in following years.

The dates are:
May 12 - Sat.
June 9 - Sat.
June 23 - Sat.
July 14 - Sat.
July 28 - Sat.
Aug. 7 - Tuesday
Sept 8 - Sat.
Program is held from 9-11 am.

Please email the HistoricOneilFarm.org if you can volunteer for any of these dates.    We will add you to our online sigh-up for Historic O'Neil Volunteers and you will receive an email reminder during the summer or change your volunteer date if necessary.      If you can look at your summer calendars now and email us, we'd like to know as soon as possible how much help we will need to get other than 4H members.     

Also, there is a Preschool program that will be held a couple of Tuesdays and will be help during the summer and we are looking for adult volunteers for help around the farm.      There will be separate emails regarding that sign-up.

Thank you very much -- we are looking forward to broadening the community awareness and support for the farm this summer. 

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dairy Camp Reminder


I wanted to remind everyone that the UMass 4-H Dairy Camp brochure is on-line at http://www.mass4h.org/index.php/programs/animal-science/animal-science-camps

We have Ricky Allyn from Allyndale Holsteins in CT as our clinician as well as Joyce Thomas from NY and various other presenters from throughout the northeast.

Registrations are now being accepted.

Please contact me at ccsears@umext.umass.edu or 413-549-3257 if you have any questions.

Thank you, Carrie

Carrie Chickering-Sears
UMass Extension
UMass Amherst

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

4H Walk

Attached is info from Molly Volmer RE the annual 4H walk.  Deadline to RSVP is May 4.  If it doesn't come through well, it's also on the blog.
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

http://farmtastic4h.blogspot.com/ Walk 12

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another reminder for tomorrow and a note from Jamie

Hey everybody,
     First off thanks to everyone (nicole, Alexa, Molly and big Jim) for your help at the clean up Marshfield event! I was really hoping for a bigger turn out..
     Just a reminder that we will be at the Fairgrounds painting the beef barn tomorrow from 9-1! Make sure to wear your painting clothes! And try to brimg s couple dollars for pizza or bring a lunch if you prefer. Also, I could not get in touch with the Nevins farm people so it seems we won't get around to that this vacation. I'll keep trying to get in touch with them because I definitely want to make it up this summer! It will be a great learning experience for everyone!
      May first will be here before you know it so make sure you get your two projects  done, as this rule will be strictly enforced this year. If you're concerned you won't get your projects done because you had reasonable excuses for not attending, contact me and we can work something out.  


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Painting the beef barn at the Mfld Fair

Just a reminder that we are planning on helping to paint the beef barn at the Marshfield Fair tomorrow, Tues 4/17, from 9-1.   Come and spend as much time as you can - and don't forget to wear your painting clothes!

Thanks -
Big Jim and Mrs. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Meeting this Saturday, April 6

Hey guys,
Just reminding everyone we'll be having our regularly scheduled barn meeting this Saturday, 9-1030. Well be discussing cow leasing requirements and upcoming community service projects. Let me know if you won't be able to make it. Call/text or email me 339-793-3799

Thanks, Jaime

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
