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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Minutes from last Monday's meeting

Here are Casey's minutes:

-Over April Vacation we are planning on painting the beef barn. There will be shifts and each 4-her can sign up to help for a few hours.

-We are also working on planning a trip to Nevins Farm in Methuen over vacation. We are looking to raise some funds to donate as well as some items form their wish list. If you are able to donate anything on the wish list please bring it to one of the upcoming meetings. You can find their wish list here.

-Saturday, March 31st we will be going to the farmers market at the fairgrounds. We will bring a petting zoo and sell our reusable bags. This may also be an opportunity to collect money for our donation to Nevins Farm.

-If anyone did not place a clothing order that wants one, we may place another one soon. Jaime has sweatshirts, sweatpants and tee shirts designed already. We are hoping to design a white polo/show shirt with Farmtastic 4-h embroidered on it as well as bumper stickers.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Barn Meeting this Saturday, and Parade Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the next barn meeting is this Saturday, March 17 9-10:30 at O'Neil Farm - all sounds very Irish for St. Patty's Day! 

Also, a note from Big Jim RE the parade on Sunday -
Meet at 10 am at Sovereign Bank in Abington, Corner of 123 in center of town.  Parade starts at 1.

Hi Everyone,

I am still looking for more kids.  Please ask around to get more 4-Hers. 


We are meeting at 10AM on Sunday, March18
Dunbar Street~  Sovereign Bank parking lot Abington Center~ is where we will off load any animals.  After the off load trailers and cars need to be parked somewhere else. 

I am bringing my Truck to decorate and Jimmy Neilson is bringing a trailer to tow behind as a Float.  I will bring the decorations.  But feel free to bring stuff you want to use.  The more the merrier. 

Dress with as much 4-H as we can.  Shirts ~ Sweat shirts ~ I will bring the Tattoo's

Any Questions or comments please send me an email. 

Valerie Schell
Plymouth County 4-H Extension
Program Assistant

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

O'Neil Farm Volunteering


Would you like to help with tasks at the Historic O'Neil Farm in preparation for Farm Day
and Duxbury's 375th celebration? Cataloging antique tools, small painting jobs and trail 
maintenance are some of the tasks. We also need volunteers who can assist with the
hugely successful "Fun on the Farm" preschool summer program.

Please join us for the first meeting of "Friends of the O'Neil Farm" at 7:30 PM on
Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 at Duxbury's Tarkiln Community Center on Route 53.
Learn how you can put your talents to work on the farm.

Volunteering has an important role at Historic O'Neil Farm, serving to connect communities 
to local agriculture.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
