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Sunday, January 29, 2012


I think most of you got this directly from the 4H office, but in case you did not, here it is

Hello All,
Attached is information for 4-H Mini Conference and 4-H Visual Presentation Day. 
Registration for 4-H Mini Conference is this coming Monday, Jan 30.  Please remind all your 4-H'ers to send their info over the weekend.  There is still room in most workshops. 
4-H Visual Presentation Day is March 3 at Silver Lake Middle School in Kingston.  Registration and info is attached.  If you have questions please let me know.  I am looking for volunteers to judge visual presentations.  You must attend a training on March 3 at 8:30 AM.  Judging of presentations will start at 9:30 and I hope to be finished up by 12:30.  Parents, volunteers, leaders are all welcome to judge, no experience needed. 
We are also still selling South Shore Dinner Club Booklets.  They are $19.95 and available at the 4-H Office.  Please let me know if you would like to purchase a booklet or sell some through your 4-H Club.  This is an Advisory Council Fundraiser. 
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

http://farmtastic4h.blogspot.com/ Mini Conference 2012PC VP DAY 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Barn Meeting Sat Jan 21

The Barn Meeting has been changed from the O'Neil Farm to the Marshfield Fair Grounds due to the predicted snowfall.
Hope to see you there.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Awards Night

As hopefully you have all realized, I made an error in my last post.  I had referred to the December Newsletter for the location of the Awards Night, but it has changed.  It is NOT at the VFW in Kingston, but IS at the Knights of Columbus, 91 South Street, Kingston.  I'm sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Just a quick reminder that the 4H Awards Night is tomorrow, January 20 at the VFW Hall in Kingston.  Let us know if you need a ride and we will provide one.

Also - Barn Meeting this Sat, Jan 21 at the O'Neil Farm 9-10:30.  Dress warmly and wear your muck boots!

Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Important Reminders from Mrs. Peavey

Happy 2012 to everyone, As you all know our elections have been done and our new board is in place.
Good news, we are now 8 months closer to Marshfield Fair and attendance is very important as we will be getting everyone ready for the fair.
If you are unable to make a barn meeting or the monthly meeting please email Jaime and let her know. jaimenielsen225@aol.com
 Here are a couple reminder dates for the club:
January 20 Plymouth County 4H awards night, 6-9pm, Kingston MA please RSVP to Molly Vollmer at 781-293-3541 or mvollmer@umext.umass.edu
she will need to know how many will be attending. they are also asking that each family send in a silent auction item. Dinner will be served prior to awards. Please no jeans 
If you will not be going with a family member please let Susan or Jimmy know and we will provide a ride.
January 21  Barn meeting Oneil farm 9-1030a please dress warmly and also be prepared to help Chris clean the pens.
February 4th Barn meeting 9-1030a and also there is a 4H mini conference 91-3p Kingston MA please call Molly Vollmer for additional information and reserve your spot.
February 8th Plymouth county 4h visual presentation (VP) training 630p Hanson MA
February 13th- monthly meeting 6-730p ( please bring your 1.00 dues, we discussed this and voted at the meeting last night as this money will go towards the donation to Nevins farm for Hay)
February 18th Barn meeting 9-1030a again please dress warmly and be prepared to help Chris clean the pens.
February 29th Registration is due for Visual presentations..
March 3rd Visual Presentations 9a Kingston all club members are required to participate in VP except for Novice we do suggest that if you are a novice you come and see how the VP's are done.
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Barn Meeting Saturday

Just a reminder that there will be a barn meeting this Saturday Jan 7 from 9-10:30 am at the O'Neil Farm.  Please dress warmly including warm boots as we will be outside.  Also remember the monthly meeting Monday Jan 9 at the fairgrounds, 6-7:30.

Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
