4H Photos - Scroll Down For Blog Posts

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christmas Cards

Just a reminder that if any of the photos with Santa make it onto your family Christmas Cards, please send Santa one at:

20 Tremont St  # 20C
Duxbury, MA 02332

(you don't want to be on the naughty list.....)

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, November 30, 2012

Activities this weekend

Big Jim wanted to remind you everyone of the upcoming events this weekend.  This is the last weekend we will be raffling off the John Deere blanket, and hopefully we will make some cash from the bake sale too.  The weather will not be great tomorrow, but we are going to try our best to be there. 

The time for the Christmas tree sale in Dux is nine to one-ish.  Come at 8:45 if you want to help set up, or later if that works better and stay as long as you can.  If you are not familiar with it, it is the Christmas Tree Lot on Rte 14 in Duxbury.  The road bends to the right around the police station as you're heading east on 14, and it's just past that on your left.

Big Jim also wanted me to remind you that on December 2 (Sunday) we will be at the Marshfield Tree Lighting from 2 - 5.  This is at Library Plaza, behind the Dairy Queen.  This will be the last day of the John Deere blanket raffle and we will sell the rest of the baked goods too.  At 5 we will walk the animals over to Molly Park behind the CVS.  Hopefully some of you can come both days - do what you can. 

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thank you to Santa and weekend reminders

A big thank you to Santa for coming to see us at the O'Neil Farm last Weds!  It was a great afternoon.  Santa has asked that if any of the pictures you all took with him and the 4Hers make it onto your family Christmas cards, to please send him one at:
20 Tremont St  # 20C
Duxbury, MA 02332

(The elves there will get it to him)

Also don't forget we have the Christmas Tree sale in Duxbury this Saturday Dec 1, and the Marshfield Christmas Tree lighting on Dec 2.   Baked goods for the bake sale much appreciated!!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Horse Bowl Tryouts Saturday

Hello Everyone,

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. 

I want to remind everyone that Horsebowl ~ Buzzer Board and Hippology tryouts are this Saturday, December 1,2012 at the Hanson Senior Center.  Please send out a reminder email to your club members who may be interested.  If they would like study materials please have them visit the Plymouth County Horsebowl website at www.pchorsebowl.webs.com

We hope to have a large turn out this year.  See you all Saturday.

Valerie Schell
Plymouth County 4-H Extension
Program Assistant

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Saturday, November 17, 2012

New Club Officers

Congratulations to all of the new club officers!!

President - Jaime Nielsen
Vice President - Nicole Gavin
Secretary - Jack Keefe
Treasurer - Corinne Lee
Historian - Catie Dooley
News Reporter - Dominic Chiano

(to the two latter - don't forget to forward photos to Dr. Lee for publication on the blog!)

On another note - hope to see you all Weds Nov 21 at 3 at the O'Neil Farm for pix with Santa.  Parents are welcome to bring their own cameras, but I will also have one available to take pictures of all the kids.   See you there

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, November 15, 2012

One more reminder

The time for the Christmas tree sale in Dux is nine to one-ish.  Come at 8:45 if you want to help set up, or later if that works better and stay as long as you can.  If you are not familiar with it, it is the Christmas Tree Lot on Rte 14 in Duxbury.  The road bends to the right around the police station as you're heading east on 14, and it's just past that on your left.

Big Jim also wanted me to remind you that on December 2 (Sunday) we will be at the Marshfield Tree Lighting from 2 - 5.  This is at Library Plaza, behind the Dairy Queen.  This will be the last day of the John Deere blanket raffle and we will sell the rest of the baked goods too.  At 5 we will walk the animals over to Molly Park behind the CVS.  Hopefully some of you can come both days - do what you can.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.







Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Club Elections This Saturday

If you could not make it to the meeting last night, the discussion was primarily about the club elections which will take place this Saturday November 17 at the Marshfield Fairgrounds at 9.  The meeting will likely be shorter than our normal barn meetings. 

All positions will be up for election:
Vice President
News Reporter

(I'm sorry I could not find the printed descriptions for each position, but if you contact Jaime she should be able to get them to you)

If you would like to run, you must have been in 4H for at least 2 year.  You should arrive prepared with a written speech.  All candidates will give their speeches, and the voting will take place.  Don't be shy to run!

Also keep in mind that December 1 is the Christmas Tree Sale in Duxbury.  Times TBA.  We will be doing a bake sale, so please contribute if you can.  We will also be continuing the raffle for the John Deere blanket - these proceeds will go towards a gift for the O'Neil Farm. 

Don't forget the Santa photo op on Weds November 21 too!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Club Christmas Photo

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to let you know about a special club photo session coming up - Mrs. Peavey and Big Jim would really like if everyone could come for a group club photo with Santa!   We will be meeting at the O'Neil Farm on Weds Nov 21 at 3 pm - I think most of us have a half day of school since it is the day before Thanksgiving (will confirm time with you all once Corinne confirms time with Chris).  Our local Duxbury "Santa" has graciously offered to pose with the club and animals free of charge because he so appreciates the hard work the kids all put into 4H.  We would love to get a group photo, and then whomever would like individual photos with Santa and their heifer (or just a cute calf!) will be able to take those.  Please let us know if you can make it so we will know how many to expect.

Thank you
Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Barn Meeting this Saturday

just a reminder there is a barn meeting on Saturday from 9-1030a at O'Neil farm
Monthly meeting is Monday Nov 12th from 6-730p
just a reminder to dress warm and to wear appropriate foot wear.
Mrs. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Note from Jaime

Hey everybody,
I'm filling out an annual club report and I need to know a couple of things for it.. Could you just email or text me ASAP if did a vp at the county and/or club level, and if you submitted 4h records. Sorry it's such short notice but I also just had this thrown at me. Try to tell me by tomorrow (Wednesday) night if possible. Any questions lets me know.
Thanks, Jaime
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, October 19, 2012

Latest word from Big Jim and Mrs. Peavey

Farm Day at Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary,  Winslow Cemetary Road Marshfield. Sat 10 to 4 Oct 20th  is a go!!!  They are not going to cancel it as of tonight.  Hope to see you there.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Farm Day this Sat, Oct 20

Farm Day at Daniel Webster Wildlife Sanctuary,  Winslow Cemetary Road Marshfield. Sat 10 to 4 Oct 20th with a raindate Oct 27th.  Hope everyone can make it , come early to help setup. Wear your 4h shirts and they should let you in. Hope it doesn't rain !!
Big Jim and Mrs. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Sunday, October 7, 2012

October Newsletter

Attached is the October Newsletter

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Newsletter 10 12

Thursday, October 4, 2012


This Saturday 10/6 we will be holding the barn meeting at the Marshfield fairgrounds from 10-4p so please make an effort to come and bring your completed enrollment paper work. Jim and I are asking that you wear your 4H shirts and stay as long as you can as we will have the goats, alpacas, sheep and a cow for the celebration.
We would also like to do a bake sale and continue to sell raffle tickets for the John Deere blanket remember all proceeds will go towards items for O'neil farm.
I know it has been a busy fall with all these different festivals and we thank everyone of you for giving your time..
I did hear from Molly Vollmer and she said that she has heard so many great things about The Farmtastic 4Her's..thank you and keep up the great work.
If you cant make it on Saturday please remember to bring your enrollment paper work to the meeting on Monday night from 6-730p
 Congrats to Corine, Maddie and Alexa for placing at Topsfield fair.
See everyone this weekend,
Susan and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, October 1, 2012

Barn Meeting this Sat, Oct 6


The barn meeting will be held at the Marshfield fairgrounds on Saturday OCt 6 during the South Shore celebration. Jimmy and I will be bringing some animals and we are looking for some help from the club members it is from 10-4p we will also collect the enrollment packages if you canl not make the meeting on Monday Night.6-730p (also at the fairgrounds)

It is important that we have all completed forms by Monday night as we have a lot of kids interested in the club.
we will have the blanket raffle and if anyone wants to bring baked goods we can sell them too!
Remember to wear your 4H shirts and dress warm.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

October Reminders

Just a few reminders from Mrs. Peavey -

6 Oct barn meeting 9-1030a

8 Oct monthly meeting 600-730p all paperwork is due for club enrollment

13 OCT 4 H walk

20 Oct no barn meeting we will be at the Audibon day in Marshfield with some

The club is also looking for slightly used barn items, brooms, pitchforks,
shovels, wheel barrels
If we can reach out for donations to friends and family, I did post it on
Facebook too.

thank you again,
Susan , Jaime and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Corn Fest thank you and Topsfield

Big Jim and I want to thank all of you for coming and helping out this past weekend. It was a beautiful weekend to hang out
with your fellow 4Her's. Also we need to know by tonight who is planning to show at Topsfield on Saturday. Paperwork needs to be completed
asap.and we are also trying to figure out how many trailers will be going.
Also dont forget enrollment packages need to be turned in on or before the October 8th meeting. There has been a lot of interest in the club and we need to know if we will have room for new members. Please remember your commitment to the club and try to treat it as a sport commitment.  
Thank you again for making this past weekend such a success with the celebration of 50years for the South Shore Science Center.
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Corn Festival this weekend

A message from Big Jim and Mrs. Peavey:

Hello!  Cornfest is 10-4 this Saturday and Sunday.  It is at 48 Jacob's Lane in Norwell.  Calling All 4H Kids!! - Come for as much of it as you can.  Big Jim will be brining some of his animals.  It's lots of fun.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Farm Day Reminders

At the meeting tonight, it was decided that for Farm Day we will:

Meet at the Barn from 4:30-6:30 Fri pm to help clean up. 

Meet at the Barn at 10 am Sat to get ready for Farm Day, which will run from 11-3.

See you there!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.



Hi guys sorry this is such short notice but with school starting I
haven't had much time available.
As you should know we have our regularly scheduled meeting tonight at
the fairgrounds from 6-730. We are talking about a lot of important
upcoming dates and you will be getting your re-enrollment forms! Try
your best to attend tonight on such short notice and definitely
text/call or e-mail me if you cant make it so we can try to get you
your forms. Our goal is to have everybody's forms turned in by OCTOBER
8th. Make sure you get your forms in by then becasue we have a lot of
intrest from people new to 4h looking to join the club.
Again Sorry for the short notice but see you all tonight!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Upcoming Events - and a Fair Thank You!

The barn meeting this Saturday, Sept 1 will be cancelled due to the holiday weekend, and so we can all rest up after the Fair!!

Upcoming events to look forward to:

1. 10 Sept -  monthly meeting 6-730p
2. 15 Sept - O'Neil farm day - time to be announced
3. 22-23 Se[t -  Corn Festival in Norwell   time to be announced
4. 29 Sept -  Topsfield Fair - time to be announced

another busy month
a big thank you and congratulations to everyone who participated and helped  out at the Marshfield fair. I know Big Jim and I received such positive feedback from everyone visiting the barns this year. You all did a wonderful job and we are so proud of you

FYI we will start the application process in september for club enrollment for the next year all forms should be submitted by our Oct 8th meeting.

Thanks again
Susan and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Fair Reminders

Just a reminder that tomorrow, Sunday, is the last day of fair.  We will be having the awards ceremony and all kids should be wearing their show clothes for it.  Also, Monday is clean up and animal departure day.  Everyone please plan on being there to help out!  We will need to feed by 7:30 or so, so plan to come early.

Enjoy the last day - it's been a great fair!
Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, August 9, 2012

Fair And Meetings

Hi guys, 
As of right now I'm sitting at O'neil farm with big Jim because we have a meeting and NOBODY is here. You only have two meetings left until fair. You need to be at both of these meetings if you actually plan to take your calf to the fair. There's been at least twelve meetings since lease forms were signed, but it seems to be the same five or six kids at every meeting. Boss isn't happy with the lack of effort being put into the calves that he so generously allowed each of you to lease, it would be nice if you actually showed some interest in your calf. If you show up thursday for the first time all summer, don't expect your calf to be the first on the trailer. Only a select group have washed their calves and nobody has clipped. Monday the meeting will be AT ONEILS FROM 2-4. I'm asking Chris to be around to help that day, as everyone should wash that day and clip on Tuesday. By not showing up to meetings your only hurting yourselves. I can't force you to be here and work with your calfs but Its going to show in the ring if you haven't worked with your animal, and a good judge will tell you that. Twelve cows have been leased from Mr. O'Neil and I hope that all twelve can be shown next week. 
On that note, at the Monday meeting it would be nice if everyone (including kids not leasing) could show up as we will be cleaning and organizing the show box and halters. If you need a show halter/ barn halter /rope halter etc I have plenty to loan- just text me preferably before Monday at 339-793-3799 and I can bring whatever you need. 
Saturday August 11th our meeting will be at the fairgrounds from 9-12 for cleanup day. Bring brooms rakes shovels etc. after there will be lunch and a Safety Meeting worth achievement points! 
If you are showing a cow and are not at the meetings Monday and Tuesday without a valid reason told to me susan or big jim before the meetings- it will be assumed you have no interest in showing this season.  
Thanks, Jaime

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, August 3, 2012

Barn Meeting Tomorrow Aug 4 from 8-9 am

Big Jim just wanted to make sure everyone got the email with the time change for tomorrow.  He will see you all at the barn at 8!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, July 27, 2012





Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.






Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Fair notes from Mrs. Peavey

> >>  

>> Marshfield fair is coming quickly and a reminder to please work with your cows as much as possible..
>> If you are not showing and just going to volunteer at the fair you are still required to fill out the following paperwork and it must be turned in asap.
>> 1. Code of conduct
>> 2. health forms
>> 3. proof of age
>> at this time if you haven't submitted your forms yet, I am not sure if you will be included in the t-shirt order.(most of you have the green t-shirt from last year or the plymouth county t-shirt)
>> Monday July 30th is the vet check at Oneil farm at 9a. Please come and help with vet checking your cow and please remember to bring  the 10.00 for Mr Oneil
>> Saturday Aug 11th 9a-12p Marshfield Fair Clean up day is please be ready to clean up the inside/outside of both barns.
>> Thursday Aug 16th is animal check in day we will plan to meet at Oneils farm around 2p to start bringing the cows to
>> the fair. It would be great if you can be there to travel with your cow for check in..
>> FYI- when you are working and cleaning your cows if you see any worts or weird things please make sure you let
>> Chris or Mr. Oneil know right away so it can be treated..A cow with warts will not be allowed into the fair
>> If you have any questions please let Jaime, Big Jim or Susan a call...
>> show clothes: tan pants, belt, white shirt (polo style or button down) and hard toed shoes/boots that are either black or brown
>> The more you can work with your cows the better it will be for you in the show ring..
>> Good luck to the Farmtastic 4 H club..
>> Susan B. Peavey
>> Sandals and Beaches Preferred Agency
>> Susan Peavey Travel Inc

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Upcoming Fair Events and Volunteer Opportunities

Dear Plymouth County 4-H Families and Friends,

The Marshfield Fair is coming up fast and this is one of the best opportunities to showcase all the wonderful things that Plymouth County 4-H is a part of.

In addition to animal shows, demonstrations and 4-H Day, the Marshfield Fair serves as the major fundraising event for Plymouth County 4-H for the entire year. To go along with the money raised through the 4-H Water Booths, we also have a 4-H Auction during the Fair that will take place on Friday, August 24th at 6 PM.

In order to make this 4-H Auction the best yet, we need help from you! Please consider soliciting items for our 4-H Auction or if you own a business or could provide a service, please consider making a donation. We are looking for new items, gift certificates, event tickets, travel opportunities and anything else that would be a great auction item.

All money raised will go to support local 4-H programs throughout Plymouth County. This money helps support Visual Presentation Day, 4-H Awards Night, provides t-shirts for all members, scholarship opportunities and many more important programs through the year.

Following this email is a letter you may print and submit to a business to request a donation. 4-H Volunteer and Advisory Council Member, Jeanine Adams is organizing this year's auction and she would love to hear from you if you can help. Please contact Jeanine at emailjeanine@yahoo.com or contact the Plymouth County 4-H Office.

All items can be dropped off at the Plymouth County 4-H Office. Please help support this fundraising effort, all help will be greatly appreciated!

Following, is a letter you can use for the donations. Jeanine Adams has graciously volunteered her time to oversee this great event! Thank you Jeanine!

Also, we sell water every year in the 2 water booths at the Fair. This money goes towards your t shirts, awards night and other programs and benefits for your 4-H program.  We need people to volunteer just 4 hours in the booth to sell the water. Grab a few club members and a parent or volunteer and have fun while helping 4-H. it s a great way to meet other 4-H members and families! Plus you get into the fair free that day!

Attached is a letter explaining the water booth. You can contact Marie Van Slyck to volunteer and for more information at meekvan@gmail.com. She has graciously volunteered her time to run this large undertaking! Thank you Marie and Pieter!


On another note- the storm last week did damage to the wiring at the office so we are down to one phone line 781-293-3542 for a little while and my bulk email server has been malfunctioning so if you have received duplicate notices about the Marshfield Fair I apologize.  Email Molly at Mvollmer@umext.umass.edu or me here at acampora@umext.umass.edu until further notice as it is usually working.  Thank you for your understanding.


Cathy Acampora

Plymouth County 4-H Administrative Assistant 






Plymouth County 4-H Advisory Council

P.O. Box 658, High Street, Hanson, MA 02341

781-293-3541 or 781-447-5946

4-H Youth & Family Development Program



                                                                                                                        July 16, 2012



Dear Plymouth County Businessperson,


Each year, thousands of families look forward to visiting the Marshfield Fair to participate in the activities, enjoy the entertainment, and expose their children to the agricultural and animal programs that are active locally. We hope you are as excited by the Marshfield Fair and think of the Fair as a "must do" summer fun activity. 


As you may know, the 4-H livestock, poultry, rabbit, and dog exhibitions and shows are a large part of the daily Fair programs.  The Fair, in conjunction with the Plymouth County Extension Office, sponsors exhibit space and animal shows for area 4-H youth to demonstrate what they have learned throughout the year and to raise awareness of the various 4-H programs within the community.  At the end of the Fair, an awards ceremony is held for participants, parents, and Fair attendees to honor those prize-winning young people who have earned high placements at the shows and who have been distinguished for special awards. 


The ever-increasing cost of sponsoring 4-H activities combined with dwindling state and county support has resulted in fewer opportunities and programs for the many deserving 4-H youth in Plymouth County. In an effort to offset the reduction in support, we will be holding an auction at the Fair at 6 pm on Friday, August 24th for the benefit of Plymouth County 4-H and 4-H programs at the Marshfield Fair.  For this reason, we are reaching out to business owners in the area for some help with this fundraiser by donating tax deductible items, gift certificates, or services to be auctioned off at this event.  Your generosity will be publicly acknowledged to those attending the auction – and we're expecting a big crowd!   This is a wonderful opportunity to demonstrate your support of one of the few remaining agricultural fairs in the area, 4-H programs, and have a positive impact on local youth.


We hope that you will be able to help us out this year to insure that 4-H programs continue to be available for young people in Plymouth County at the Marshfield Fair and throughout the year.  I welcome the opportunity to discuss sponsorship opportunities and ways you can offer your support. Please call me anytime at (781) 243-1556 or email me at "emailjeanine@yahoo.com".  I plan to follow up with you within the next few days.


Thank you so much for helping us make this year's 4-H shows the best ever!





                                                                        Jeanine Adams

                                                                        4-H Auction Coordinator




Hope we can count on you this



Hello, Fellow 4-H Volunteers-
Hope you are all enjoying all this heat! As usual, the summer brings the Fair season and an email from me begging for help to staff the 4-H water booths at the Fair.

For those of you who haven't been able to help out w/this fundraiser in the past or those of you who may be new leaders/volunteers, a little explanation is in order..... The Plymouth County 4-H Advisory Council helps to plan, organize, fund, and implement a number of important programs that benefit all youth (regardless of project area) in the Plymouth County 4-H Program. These include Recognition Night and Project Record Awards, Communications (VP) Day, and Club Exhibit Week and Celebration, to name a few. We also provide financial assistance to 4-H'ers in need of a little help to attend 4-H events, programs, or camps as well as an annual college scholarships.

For the past five years, we have sold bottled water at the Marshfield Fair and have successfully increased our earnings each year. Last year we raised $5,000! This year our goal is $5,500, so pls. keep your fingers crossed and pray for lots of hot sun and NO rain! Because the Fair gives us the booths/space free, we also sell Marshfield Fair souvenirs, and the proceeds from these sales are kept separate and given to the Fair management. We are fortunate again this year to have two booths from which we can sell water. We will have the same big booth as last year, across from the show ring office, plus another smaller one. The location of the second smaller booth is still undecided, but will be positioned to take advantage of heavy foot traffic near the 4-H area. So, once again, I am making my plea for volunteers. We need a lot of volunteers to cover all of the time slots of these two booths if we have a chance of meeting our goal this year.

The shifts will be four hours long - from noon to 4 p.m. and from 4-8 p.m. We will need at least one adult (leader or parent volunteer) at each booth during all shifts. The Fair dates are from 17-26 Aug 12. As you can imagine, this fundraiser requires a lot of man/woman hours, so we can use all the help we can get. We hope you will be able to help us in this effort by taking one or more shifts. It's okay if your club takes a 4-hour shift and splits it up into two 2-hour shifts as long as there is always an adult and at least two club members who are older/responsible enough to handle money and interact w/the public.

If you cannot cover a shift yourself, please pass this email along to a fellow volunteer or helpful 4-H parent who may not have received this email. Also, don't forget to announce this need for help at your next club meeting to try to recruit more parent volunteers . This is a great way for your club to conduct a community service activity while supporting the Plymouth County

4-H Program. Shifts will be assigned on a "first-come / first-served" basis, so pls. let me know the shift you are willing to take as soon as possible. As the schedule fills up, the time/date you want or need may not longer be available. I will do my best to accommodate everyone's schedule.

Thanks for taking the time to read this (too long!) email. Please help. I will be following up again within the next few weeks if I don't hear back from you. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at home in the evening at 781-934-6149 or leave me a message on my cell phone anytime, 617-842-5193. Things get a little crazy this time of year, so email is always the best way to reach me. Hope to hear from you very soon and to get the schedule filled up early this year!
Marie Van Slyck, Treasurer
Plymouth County 4-H Advisory Council

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Rooster needs a home


I have some chickens, and one which I thought was a hen has developed into a rooster which I cannot have with the proximity of my neighbors. I thought that you or someone in the club would know what I can do with him, as I heard there may be someone in Pembroke that takes them? Any help you can offer would be appreciated. Thank you, Jonathan

Jonathan W. Mark

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, July 13, 2012

Canning tomorrow

Hey guys, 
    Just a reminder that instead of a barn meeting tomorrow, well be canning at stop and shop in Pembroke (near khols and Friendly's). We're planning to meet around 930 and stay till about 1. If you have an old coffee can or something else that you think you can collect money with, feel free to decorate and bring it tomorrow! We have the posters we made at the meeting but don't hesitate to make your own! Try to wear your farmtastic 4hers shirt or a different 4h shirt you have. It's supposed to be almost ninety so feel free to wear shorts but keep them appropriate length! Bring sunscreen and water!
    Also- vet check is at O'Neils on July 30th, time TBA! Anyone leasing a cow that they wish to take to fair is expected to be there. You also need to bring in $10 by that day (on that day is fine you just can't forget!) If you aren't showing a cow but are available that day feel free to come help out, the more helpers the better! 
Any questions call/text me 339-793-3799
See you all tomorrow! 
Thanks, Jaime

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fair Supply List

Farm Supply List

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Extra Barn Meetings for Summer

Hey guys,
Me and big Jim were just discussing when we were going to start our extra Meetings in order to prepare for the fair. Looking at our schedules,
Starting July 10 we'll meet Tuesday's and Thursday's from 2-4, and every Saturday from 9-11. Email me (jaimenielsen225@aol.com) or big Jim (jimscst@aol.com) to confirm that these dates work for you or if you have a suggestion for a different day. Of course if you can't make one day you can always just find your own time to go (Be sure to confirm with Chris first by calling the barn 781-585-3130.  Don't call during milking time from 6:30 am to 7:30 or 8ish am.  Best time to get him is before 6:30 am ). Let us know if this works!
Thanks, Jaime

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Reminders from Big Jim

Just a reminder that the Barn Painting is on for this Saturday at the Marshfield Farigrounds, 9-12.  Also Don't forget to stop by Friendly's in Pembroke on 139 near Lowe's next Tuesday the 12th for a Plymouth County 4H Fundraiser.

If you are helping out with the Jr. Friends of the O'Neil Farm this Saturday instead of painting, please feel free to come and join us for pizza at the Fairgrounds at lunchtime.

Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


June Newsletter

Attached is the 4H Newsletter for June.  Also don't forget our monthly meeting this Monday the 11th at the Fairgrounds.
Maryellen Lee
Newsletter 06 12

Friday, June 1, 2012

Barn Meeting Tomorrow

Just a reminder that there is a barn meeting tomorrow at O'Neil Farm from 9-10:30. 
See you there.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

4H Fundraiser, Volunteering and Painting the Barn

Hello Everyone!

 We decided at last Saturday's meeting we all could meet at 7 pm at Friendlys on June 12, even if we just get ice cream. Of course I will eat!!! Lol !  If you didn't get the email RE the fundraiser from Cathy Acampora, it is reprinted just below this post.

 Also Saturday June 9th is a twofer:   1) Painting at the fair 9 -12 and 2) Friends of the O'Neil Farm Volunteer Group again 9- 11. Anyone that can volunteer at the Oneil's can come by for pizza at the fair after if they would like! Don't forget that volunteer scheduling for the Junior Friends group is by email to historiconeilfarm@gmail.com

Thank you for now ! Big Jim

From Cathy Acampora:
Hello 4-H members, parents, volunteers and friends.

On June 12 save the date and eat out at Friendly's in Pembroke (located at 146 Church st near Lowes)
The Plymouth County 4-H Ambassadors are having a fundraiser there and 20% of your meal cost will go to the 4-H Ambassadors so they can help out and promote our wonderful Plymouth County 4-H program. Coupons are available to download on the Plymouth County 4-H website www.plymouthcounty4h.org or at the office.
See you at Friendlys

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, May 11, 2012

Lease Form Info

Hello 4-H animal program participants

If you plan on showing an animal that doesn't belong to you at the fairs this summer, then you need to fill out a lease agreement form and submit it to the office by June 1

Here is a link for the form for leasing

Thank you

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fair Info

Hello 4-Hers
> the 2012 4-H Fair season is fast approaching. If you are leasing
> livestock, you need to get your livestock forms into the office by June 1.
> Here is a list of the dates for all of the 4-H fairs in the state:
> http://mass4h.org/news-events/4-h-fairs
> Also, the Middleboro Fair book is available online at
> For 4-H events click on the link under the 2012 fair heading, print out
> the forms you need and send them in.
> Barnstable Fair books are available online and at the office also.
> www.barnstablefair.org
> It's not too early to be thinking summer!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Historic ONeil Farm Volunteering Info - Updated

The Historic O'Neil Farm board is starting a new Junior Friends Summer Program for ages 9 - 12 and would like the help of 1 or 2 4H members a session to demonstrate how to handle a calf and help to answer questions and show the kids around the farm.     The program starts on May 12 and runs through the summer 9-11 alternating Saturdays of the 4H meetings.    The kids in the program will not be handling the 4H leased calves, but if the helper would like to demonstrate using their own calf (and get some extra time working with their calf) that would be fine.    We'd like 4H members who are 13 and older and have at least 1 year experience in the club.     We hope some of the kids in the program will be interested in joining 4H in following years.

The dates are:
May 12 - Sat.
June 9 - Sat.
June 23 - Sat.
July 14 - Sat.
July 28 - Sat.
Aug. 7 - Tuesday
Sept 8 - Sat.
Program is held from 9-11 am.

Please email the historiconeilfarm@gmail.com if you can volunteer for any of these dates.    We will add you to our online sigh-up for Historic O'Neil Volunteers and you will receive an email reminder during the summer or change your volunteer date if necessary.      If you can look at your summer calendars now and email us, we'd like to know as soon as possible how much help we will need to get other than 4H members.     

Also, there is a Preschool program that will be held a couple of Tuesdays and will be help during the summer and we are looking for adult volunteers for help around the farm.      There will be separate emails regarding that sign-up.

Thank you very much -- we are looking forward to broadening the community awareness and support for the farm this summer. 

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Meeting Saturday, May 5

Hello Everyone,

Just a reminder we will be meeting at ONiels' this Sat at 9am. We will be going over cow leasing so anyone and everyone who wishes to lease a cow should attend. Also Mrs. Glattstien will be there to discuss the Historic Oniel Farm summer program. We need to have at least 2 4-h kids , at least one 13 or older to work with the group when they meet. We have the dates and will discuss an saturday. Really would like to see everyone !!

Jaime , Susan and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Saturday, April 28, 2012

UMass Dairy Camp Date Correction

Hi Everyone,

I was in touch with Carrie RE the date of the Novice Dairy Camp.  The flier lists June 11 as the date, but the correct date is Saturday, June 2.  The Advanced Camp is June 2 & 3 as listed.  I hope that clears up any confusion.

Maryellen Lee
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Green Fest Tomorrow

Hello Everyone , we will be at Green Fest ,(formerly Earthfest ) at the South Shore Natural Science Center on Jacobs lane in Norwell. My family has done this for many years now and have always put it out to club members as well. Free admission for all if anyone is interested. Sunday from 11 till 4 , wear your 4-h shirt and come on by for a while anytime. We will have Triscuit , two sheep and Obie so you can help out walking them around for the little ones. Triscuit will stay in her pen !! Hope to see you all ! Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


4H Blood Drive today

Hello again, also today there is a Red Cross blood drive in pembroke sponsored by the Hoof and Whiskers club and Plymouth County 4-h at the community center. I'm sure they would love any support we all could give. Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Junior Friends of the O'Neil Farm

The Historic O'Neil Farm board is starting a new Junior Friends Summer Program for ages 9 - 12 and would like the help of 1 or 2 4H members a session to demonstrate how to handle a calf and help to answer questions and show the kids around the farm.     The program starts on May 12 and runs through the summer 9-11 alternating Saturdays of the 4H meetings.    The kids in the program will not be handling the 4H leased calves, but if the helper would like to demonstrate using their own calf (and get some extra time working with their calf) that would be fine.    We'd like 4H members who are 13 and older and have at least 1 year experience in the club.     We hope some of the kids in the program will be interested in joining 4H in following years.

The dates are:
May 12 - Sat.
June 9 - Sat.
June 23 - Sat.
July 14 - Sat.
July 28 - Sat.
Aug. 7 - Tuesday
Sept 8 - Sat.
Program is held from 9-11 am.

Please email the HistoricOneilFarm.org if you can volunteer for any of these dates.    We will add you to our online sigh-up for Historic O'Neil Volunteers and you will receive an email reminder during the summer or change your volunteer date if necessary.      If you can look at your summer calendars now and email us, we'd like to know as soon as possible how much help we will need to get other than 4H members.     

Also, there is a Preschool program that will be held a couple of Tuesdays and will be help during the summer and we are looking for adult volunteers for help around the farm.      There will be separate emails regarding that sign-up.

Thank you very much -- we are looking forward to broadening the community awareness and support for the farm this summer. 

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, April 26, 2012

Dairy Camp Reminder


I wanted to remind everyone that the UMass 4-H Dairy Camp brochure is on-line at http://www.mass4h.org/index.php/programs/animal-science/animal-science-camps

We have Ricky Allyn from Allyndale Holsteins in CT as our clinician as well as Joyce Thomas from NY and various other presenters from throughout the northeast.

Registrations are now being accepted.

Please contact me at ccsears@umext.umass.edu or 413-549-3257 if you have any questions.

Thank you, Carrie

Carrie Chickering-Sears
UMass Extension
UMass Amherst

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, April 19, 2012

4H Walk

Attached is info from Molly Volmer RE the annual 4H walk.  Deadline to RSVP is May 4.  If it doesn't come through well, it's also on the blog.
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

http://farmtastic4h.blogspot.com/ Walk 12

Monday, April 16, 2012

Another reminder for tomorrow and a note from Jamie

Hey everybody,
     First off thanks to everyone (nicole, Alexa, Molly and big Jim) for your help at the clean up Marshfield event! I was really hoping for a bigger turn out..
     Just a reminder that we will be at the Fairgrounds painting the beef barn tomorrow from 9-1! Make sure to wear your painting clothes! And try to brimg s couple dollars for pizza or bring a lunch if you prefer. Also, I could not get in touch with the Nevins farm people so it seems we won't get around to that this vacation. I'll keep trying to get in touch with them because I definitely want to make it up this summer! It will be a great learning experience for everyone!
      May first will be here before you know it so make sure you get your two projects  done, as this rule will be strictly enforced this year. If you're concerned you won't get your projects done because you had reasonable excuses for not attending, contact me and we can work something out.  


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Painting the beef barn at the Mfld Fair

Just a reminder that we are planning on helping to paint the beef barn at the Marshfield Fair tomorrow, Tues 4/17, from 9-1.   Come and spend as much time as you can - and don't forget to wear your painting clothes!

Thanks -
Big Jim and Mrs. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, April 5, 2012

Meeting this Saturday, April 6

Hey guys,
Just reminding everyone we'll be having our regularly scheduled barn meeting this Saturday, 9-1030. Well be discussing cow leasing requirements and upcoming community service projects. Let me know if you won't be able to make it. Call/text or email me 339-793-3799

Thanks, Jaime

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Minutes from last Monday's meeting

Here are Casey's minutes:

-Over April Vacation we are planning on painting the beef barn. There will be shifts and each 4-her can sign up to help for a few hours.

-We are also working on planning a trip to Nevins Farm in Methuen over vacation. We are looking to raise some funds to donate as well as some items form their wish list. If you are able to donate anything on the wish list please bring it to one of the upcoming meetings. You can find their wish list here.

-Saturday, March 31st we will be going to the farmers market at the fairgrounds. We will bring a petting zoo and sell our reusable bags. This may also be an opportunity to collect money for our donation to Nevins Farm.

-If anyone did not place a clothing order that wants one, we may place another one soon. Jaime has sweatshirts, sweatpants and tee shirts designed already. We are hoping to design a white polo/show shirt with Farmtastic 4-h embroidered on it as well as bumper stickers.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Barn Meeting this Saturday, and Parade Reminder

Just a quick reminder that the next barn meeting is this Saturday, March 17 9-10:30 at O'Neil Farm - all sounds very Irish for St. Patty's Day! 

Also, a note from Big Jim RE the parade on Sunday -
Meet at 10 am at Sovereign Bank in Abington, Corner of 123 in center of town.  Parade starts at 1.

Hi Everyone,

I am still looking for more kids.  Please ask around to get more 4-Hers. 


We are meeting at 10AM on Sunday, March18
Dunbar Street~  Sovereign Bank parking lot Abington Center~ is where we will off load any animals.  After the off load trailers and cars need to be parked somewhere else. 

I am bringing my Truck to decorate and Jimmy Neilson is bringing a trailer to tow behind as a Float.  I will bring the decorations.  But feel free to bring stuff you want to use.  The more the merrier. 

Dress with as much 4-H as we can.  Shirts ~ Sweat shirts ~ I will bring the Tattoo's

Any Questions or comments please send me an email. 

Valerie Schell
Plymouth County 4-H Extension
Program Assistant

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

O'Neil Farm Volunteering


Would you like to help with tasks at the Historic O'Neil Farm in preparation for Farm Day
and Duxbury's 375th celebration? Cataloging antique tools, small painting jobs and trail 
maintenance are some of the tasks. We also need volunteers who can assist with the
hugely successful "Fun on the Farm" preschool summer program.

Please join us for the first meeting of "Friends of the O'Neil Farm" at 7:30 PM on
Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 at Duxbury's Tarkiln Community Center on Route 53.
Learn how you can put your talents to work on the farm.

Volunteering has an important role at Historic O'Neil Farm, serving to connect communities 
to local agriculture.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Meeting this Saturday Feb 4

Just a reminder that the meeting will be at the fairgrounds this Saturday and we will be working on VP's. They are MANDATORY. Everybody should come with an idea about what they want to do theirs on. If anybody who did one last year and still has it available wants to present theirs as an example have them contact me. The registration deadline is coming up, not sure on the exact date but I know it was sent out recently in an email. VP day is march 3rd at silver lake middle school. 
Thanks, Jaime

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Sunday, January 29, 2012


I think most of you got this directly from the 4H office, but in case you did not, here it is

Hello All,
Attached is information for 4-H Mini Conference and 4-H Visual Presentation Day. 
Registration for 4-H Mini Conference is this coming Monday, Jan 30.  Please remind all your 4-H'ers to send their info over the weekend.  There is still room in most workshops. 
4-H Visual Presentation Day is March 3 at Silver Lake Middle School in Kingston.  Registration and info is attached.  If you have questions please let me know.  I am looking for volunteers to judge visual presentations.  You must attend a training on March 3 at 8:30 AM.  Judging of presentations will start at 9:30 and I hope to be finished up by 12:30.  Parents, volunteers, leaders are all welcome to judge, no experience needed. 
We are also still selling South Shore Dinner Club Booklets.  They are $19.95 and available at the 4-H Office.  Please let me know if you would like to purchase a booklet or sell some through your 4-H Club.  This is an Advisory Council Fundraiser. 
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

http://farmtastic4h.blogspot.com/ Mini Conference 2012PC VP DAY 2012

Friday, January 20, 2012

Barn Meeting Sat Jan 21

The Barn Meeting has been changed from the O'Neil Farm to the Marshfield Fair Grounds due to the predicted snowfall.
Hope to see you there.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Awards Night

As hopefully you have all realized, I made an error in my last post.  I had referred to the December Newsletter for the location of the Awards Night, but it has changed.  It is NOT at the VFW in Kingston, but IS at the Knights of Columbus, 91 South Street, Kingston.  I'm sorry for any confusion this may have caused.
Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, January 19, 2012


Just a quick reminder that the 4H Awards Night is tomorrow, January 20 at the VFW Hall in Kingston.  Let us know if you need a ride and we will provide one.

Also - Barn Meeting this Sat, Jan 21 at the O'Neil Farm 9-10:30.  Dress warmly and wear your muck boots!

Maryellen Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Important Reminders from Mrs. Peavey

Happy 2012 to everyone, As you all know our elections have been done and our new board is in place.
Good news, we are now 8 months closer to Marshfield Fair and attendance is very important as we will be getting everyone ready for the fair.
If you are unable to make a barn meeting or the monthly meeting please email Jaime and let her know. jaimenielsen225@aol.com
 Here are a couple reminder dates for the club:
January 20 Plymouth County 4H awards night, 6-9pm, Kingston MA please RSVP to Molly Vollmer at 781-293-3541 or mvollmer@umext.umass.edu
she will need to know how many will be attending. they are also asking that each family send in a silent auction item. Dinner will be served prior to awards. Please no jeans 
If you will not be going with a family member please let Susan or Jimmy know and we will provide a ride.
January 21  Barn meeting Oneil farm 9-1030a please dress warmly and also be prepared to help Chris clean the pens.
February 4th Barn meeting 9-1030a and also there is a 4H mini conference 91-3p Kingston MA please call Molly Vollmer for additional information and reserve your spot.
February 8th Plymouth county 4h visual presentation (VP) training 630p Hanson MA
February 13th- monthly meeting 6-730p ( please bring your 1.00 dues, we discussed this and voted at the meeting last night as this money will go towards the donation to Nevins farm for Hay)
February 18th Barn meeting 9-1030a again please dress warmly and be prepared to help Chris clean the pens.
February 29th Registration is due for Visual presentations..
March 3rd Visual Presentations 9a Kingston all club members are required to participate in VP except for Novice we do suggest that if you are a novice you come and see how the VP's are done.
Susan B. Peavey

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Barn Meeting Saturday

Just a reminder that there will be a barn meeting this Saturday Jan 7 from 9-10:30 am at the O'Neil Farm.  Please dress warmly including warm boots as we will be outside.  Also remember the monthly meeting Monday Jan 9 at the fairgrounds, 6-7:30.

Thanks, and Happy New Year!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
