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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Picture from Vet Check Day

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4H Thank you and updates

A huge thank you to  everyone for coming to the vet check today.  It was a big help! and a great learning experience.
For those of you who are  not showing but are going to be at the fair helping out we still need their code of conduct, health forms and birth certificates  IMrs. Peavey does need these forms asap as they should have been in the clubs paperwork that she is  turning in today to Jeff..If we do not have the forms then they will not be able to help out.
The club will have 12 cows at the fair this summer..It should be a lot of fun we are really looking forward to it. ..

Great news for us all - Merrie is going to set up one day a week to be at the barn for the kids.  Stay tuned for details.

Mrs. Peavey, Lisa and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, July 18, 2011

O'Neil Farm tomorrow (Tues 7/19) at 4

Hey guys,
Tomorrow afternoon around 4 me and Mrs. Peavey will be at the farm! If you plan on coming just let one of us know! We can work on anything you guys want to. Im open to anything... batheing, clipping or just working with your cows! Please let me know!
Thanks, Merrie

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, July 15, 2011

Another Reminder about Monday's Vet Check

This is another reminder for the vet check on Monday at Oneil farm 830-12n
If you did not complete your fair forms at the meeting on Monday you will
need to turn them in to me on Monday. If you were not at the meeting on
Monday and do not show up at the barn on Monday your cow will not be vet

just a reminder that you need to have a health form, birth certificate,lease
forms, 15.00 for Mr. Oneil and all your completed fair forms at the farm on
Monday for Vet check.

Thank you,
Susan B. Peavey



Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Meeting Cancelled Sat, July 16

 Hey guys,
We have to cancel the meeting this Saturday, due to the fact that neither Big Jim, Mrs. Peavey nor I will be able to attend! But don't forget that on Monday the 18th we have a vet check at the farm at 8:30. Please don't forget! It is very important in order to be able to lease your cow for the show season!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Fair Supply List

Please find attached a copy of the suggested fair supply list. Farm Supply List

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


4H Forms and Attendance at Meetings for Fair Eligibility

Hi Everyone -

Just a note to remind you that the 4H forms for leasing and showing, along with the $15.00 towards the vet check,  must be given in person to either Mrs. Peavey or Big Jim by  Monday, July 18 at the latest.  (see previous post on how to access).  If you were unable to attend tonight's meeting at the fairgrounds, and you also do not attend the vet check at O'Neil Farm on July 18,  then you will no longer be eligible to lease a cow for this season.  These cows will then either be released to other 4Her's who were not able to have their own calf this season, or pulled out entirely from the fair and not be checked by the vet. 

The fair just finished adding in all the forms on their website, it would seem.  So if you checked some time ago, and could not find the forms you need - check again and they should be there now.  Don't forget the health forms for the kids.

Thank you, and see you Monday,
Susan, Lisa and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Saturday, July 2, 2011

4H Vet check and upcoming meetings

The vet will be at Oneil farm on Monday July 18 anyone who is showing an Oneil farm cow will need to be at the vet check. Plan on arriving around 830a-noon if it ends earlier then the kids can work with their cows! At this time please have your completed lease agreement and 15.00 for Mr. Carl Oneil.

There will be a monthly meeting on Monday July 11 from 6-730p we will be going over the Marshfield fair entry forms. These forms can be printed from the Marshfield fair booklet on line. Please bring the forms and you checks for entry. If you need help with the forms leave them blank and we will fill them out with you!

The fair will be here before we know it so please make the time to work with your cows!

See everyone on the 11th and the 18th. These are two very important meetings!

Thank You,

Susan, Big Jim and Lisa

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
