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Monday, January 31, 2011

4H February Newsletter and Visual Presentation Reminder

Attached you will find the Plymouth County 4-H Newsletter for February 2011. Please forward this newsletter on to all your 4-H club members. We are in the process of updating enrollment and do not have an working email list yet. Please make sure to read the calendar of upcoming dates and note 4-H Awards Program on April 16.
The Plymouth County 4-H Visual Presentation Packet is also attached. Please have your 4-H'ers return the last page to me for registration.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


newsletter 0211 4H Visual Presentations


Upcoming Workshops
February 12, 2011- Linear Appraisal Workshop 4:30 pm Mapleline Jerseys, 73 Cummins Road, Hadley, MA 01035. Youth will learn how to appraise cattle with an official appraiser from US Jersey - Sara Barlass. Please email me if you plan on attending. ccsears@umext.umass.edu or (413)549-3257. This is the first-time that this workshop topic has been offered in this area.
February 21, 2011 - Dairy Bowl and Skillathon - 11am-3pm. To be held at the Manor House, UMass Livestock Farm, 111 North Maple Street, Hadley, MA 01035 Cost $5.00 for lunch (pizza). Please email me if you plan on attending. ccsears@umext.umass.edu or (413) 549-3257
Thank you, Carrie
Carrie Chickering-Sears
Director of Community Education in Animal Agriculture
UMass Extension
111 North Maple Street
Hadley, MA 01035
phone 413-549-3257

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, January 28, 2011

Horse Bowl and Hippology practices

Subject: Horse Bowl/Hippology Practices

4-H Horse Clubs,

Priscilla McGilvary will be holding Hippology practices at the YWCA on  
Ferry Hill road in Marshfield, every Wednesday from 4 to 7 from  February 2
to the County test. She will also be holding some Sunday  evening/afternoon
practices, probably February 20 & 27, from 4 to 7.  Each practice will
include an actual reproduction of at least one of  the many types of tests
held in the State Horse Contest. We will be  using photographs, actual
pieces of equipment, and paper and pen to  learn not just the information
but the method used to test at the  state. We will use as much of the time
as we can to learn.

Directions to the YWCA can be found at their website which is  

Please email Priscilla at cillawet@verizon.net or call her at  781-733-6894
to let her know if you would like to attend any of these  sessions.  Parents
are also welcome to attend and help out. We will  need to prepare materials
and space for the Hippology practices, so  please make sure to RSVP.

A date for the formal Plymouth COunty 4-H HOrse Bowl and Hippology  contest
will be announced soon, but it will probably be on a weekend  in the end of
March.  Please let me know if you have any questions and  make sure to
forward this to all your club members.


Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth COunty Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

PC 4-H Visual Presentation Info

Hello 4-H Leaders,
Attached is the info for the Plymouth County 4-H Visual Presentation Day which will be held on Saturday, March 5 at Silver Lake Middle School in Kingston. Please see updated class list and updated "terms used in judging" for new information this year.
Please make sure to pass this on to all of your 4-H'ers and their parents. I am in need of judges for this event. Please let me know if you are available to come for a judges training at 8:30 AM on March 5, then start judging presentations by 9:30 sharp. Our goal is to be all wrapped up by 12:30 that afternoon. This is only possible if we have enough judges to help with all of the presentations.
There will be a 4-H VP training at the Extension office during Feb School vacation week on Feb 16 from 2-4PM. Please let me know if your club needs additional help with visuals, we have DVD's to borrow and can arrange for other trainings if needed.
Hope to see you all on March 5!
Molly Vollmer
Extesnion Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341
PC VP 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Minutes - for Jan. 10 meeting

Meeting 1/10

• We learned about geo-mapping and putting a geo-box at Marshfield Fair
• Registration date for mini-conference at Norfolk High School is by Feb. 1st
• We are looking for a parent to run and update the blog
• Visual Presentation are March 1st *mandatory for everyone except novices
• Jaime and Alexa both gave demonstrations of VP what to do and what not to do

Clean Up Day and Safety Meeting is August 13th at the fair
Truck-In is August 18th
The Fair is August 19th-28th
Truck-Out is the 29th

Some suggestions for the fair:
• shower curtain around sheep and goat pens
• cement sheep and goat pens
• some new games (people relay race, clean up pen fastest, pie eating contest, 3 legged race)
• do the t-shirts again

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, January 13, 2011

Next meetings and important dates

Next meeting is this Saturday, Jan. 15th from 9:00a-10:30a.  We will be meeting at the Marshfield Fairgrounds to work on the clubs cow tree..and talk about Geo Caching.
The next monthly meeting will be on Monday, Feb. 14th from 6:00p-7:30p
Barn meetings for February: 
  • Feb. 5th - 9-1030a
  • Feb 19th - 9-1030a
An email will be sent out as to the meeting place for barn meetings either at O'Neil's farm or the Marshfield fairgrounds
The club is looking for a parent that would be willing to update the blog and send out emails as they become available.  Lisa, Jimmy and I would like to thank Lisa DiVasta for taking on that task last year. We feel that the club was well informed with all upcoming events and schedules throughout the year...Thank you Lisa.
Please mark your calendar for the Marshfield Fair:
This is our hometown fair for Plymouth County and is mandatory for all members of our club. If you are not going to be available for the Marshfield fair we would like you to please let Jimmy, Lisa or myself know this as soon as possible.This information is important as to which cows and how many will be going. We do understand that a lot of high school sports start that week. The hours that the club covers daily at the fair is from 8:00a-10:30p.  This allows many different hours to be worked around sport schedules.
  • Aug 13th - will be the fair clean up day and safety meeting. 9a-1p pizza is served after clean up 
  • Aug 18th - will be animal arrival day and safety meeting 3p-9p
  • Aug 19th - opening day of Marshfield fair 8a-1030p
  • Aug 28th - last day of Marshfield fair
  • Aug 29th - animals depart fair and final clean up.
The club had its first meeting of the new year this past Monday and we will have the secretaries notes posted to the blog soon.
I also have the new Plymouth County T-shirts if you have not received yours please let me know...
Thank you,
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

4H mini conference info

We just got this information about the upcoming Mini-Conference.

Susan & Jim

4-H Leaders,
4-H Mini Conference will be held this winter on Saturday, February 5 at the Norfolk Aggie School in Walpole, MA.  This again will be a regional event for Plymouth, Bristol and Norfolk County 4-H'ers and volunteers. 
Please see the attached packet for more information on workshops and registration information.  Registrations are due by Feb. 1, however workshops are first come first serve, so get your registration in as early as possible.  This is a great event were kids can learn much more about 4-H programs like visual presentations and also learn about new project areas in science, animal science, leadership, etc.  There are also workshops for parents and volunteers who would like to learn more about a specific project area.
Please let me know if you have any questions and please share this info with your 4-H club members.
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street
Hanson, MA 02341
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
