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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Saturday barn meeting ~ Decorate Parade Float

This Saturdy's (July 3rd) barn meeting will be to decorate our float for the Duxbury parade.  We are going to have a 4H theme.  We are asking families to donate any red, white and blue items they may have (buntings, streamers, etc).  The meeting will be from 8:30 to 10 a.m. but may go past 10 if we are almost done decorating. 
We will also meet on Sunday morning but don't know the time/location yet.  We want to wait and see how far we get on Saturday morning.  Please check your email Saturday afternoon for the details.  Kids walking in the parade should wear their 4H shirts. 
Thank you for your support.
Big Jim, Susan & Courtney

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Barn meetings - 6/19 & 6/25

A friendly reminder that there is a barn meeting on Saturday, June 19th at 8:30 a.m.
Also the barn meeting with the vet at Oneil Farm is Friday, June 25th at 9 a.m.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Reminder: Meeting on June 14th

This Monday, June 14th is a mandatory meeting for each 4Her and their parent.  This meeting will be held at the Marshfield Fairgrounds from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


2010 State 4H Horse show and Big E applications

Please find attached the 2010 State 4-H Horse Show and Eastern States applications. Also attached is a letter explaining the procedures and selection process for each of these shows. 

You must apply to the County 4-H office to participate in these shows. The application form is attached and is due back to the Plymouth County Extension Office by July 16th.

Please contact Molly Vollmer if you have any questions about these 4-H Horse Shows or would like more information.


10 Application

10BigE Health Form

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Barn meeting cancelled today

Barn meeting cancelled due to the weather.  We will try to reschedule.

Friday, June 4, 2010

June 2010 Plymouth County 4H Newsletter

Attached is the Plymouth County Extension 4-H Newsletter for June 2010.  Please make sure to read it carefully as there are some important dates and events listed in this newsletter. Newsletter 0610
Also please make sure to check out the Marshfield Fair Exhibit Book which is now online at www.marshfieldfair.org
Please let me know if you have any questions or comments regarding this 4-H newsletter.
Molly Vollmer
Extension Educator
Plymouth County Extension
266 High Street, PO Box 658
Hanson, MA 02341
P: 781-293-3541
F: 781-293-3916

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


2010 4H Mass Dairy Show

Dairy Cattle Project Youth and Leaders:
The 2010 MA 4-H Dairy Show Booklet is now on-line at http://www.mass4h.org/index.php/programs/animal-science/beef-dairy on the MA 4-H website. The entries are due July 15th, so please start reviewing the booklet as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please do hesitate to contact me at ccsears@umext.umass.edu  NEW for this year will be a a herdsmanship contest that will be sent under separate email - pending approval plus a selection rubric is being discussed. A youth must participate in the MA 4-H Dairy Show in order to be eligible to attend the 2010 New England 4-H Dairy Show in September.Dairy Show Booklet MA State 4-H 2010
Thank you, Carrie
Carrie Chickering-Sears
Director of Community Education in Animal Agriculture
UMass Extension
111 North Maple Street
Hadley, MA 01035
phone 413-549-3257

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Upcoming June/July dates

1. Barn Meeting June 5 830-10a
2. Mandatory parent and 4H member monthly meeting June 14 6-730p
3. June 25 the vet will be at Oneil Barn for ear tagging and shots we are asking that each club member try to be there around 9a so they can hold their cow for the vet. this will probably last about 2hrs and is the barn meeting instead of June 26th. Also need to work on July 4th float.. 
4. July 3rd barn meeting work on float
5. July 4th Duxbury Parade.....
Please make sure you put these dates on your calenders so you can be available.
Once again these meetings are very important and we are asking that everyone please try to make them.
Susan, Courtney and Big Jim

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
