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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fwd: Bay Path Cancelled

Hello all,  
Please note we do have to cancel this Saturday's event at Bay Path.  There is a virus going around, so it's not a good idea to have a group activity at this point in time.
Once the better weather appears, we can discuss another date that works for everyone.
Thank you,
Lynne Currul

Milk and Production (Recap of Saturday's Barn Mtg)

UDDER -- Mammary organ of female cattle (sheep, goats, and horses)
Cows have 4 teats. Sheep, Goats, Horses have 2 teats
Udder starts developing before birth of first offspring. Mammary system matures with puberty of animal.
Cows, goats, sheep, and horses have udders placed in the posterior on their body.
No Muscle holds the udder - the udder is held up by skin and ligaments
Main Ligaments include: Rear Udder Attachment and For Udder Attachment.

Picture will be posted with this.