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Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sign ups

To sign up online go to ag.umass.edu.  It will take you to an online newsletter. Bottom of the first page is where the sign up link/info can be found

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Thursday, July 7, 2016

Monday Meeting


Just a reminder that our next meeting is this Monday, July 11 at the Marshfield Fairgrounds. Val will be joining us to help with our entry forms for this years fair, so attendance is important! 

See you soon,
Corinne Lee
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, June 3, 2016


Hello All,

The Duxbury Clipper is hoping to do a photo page of our club from the farm to the fair this summer.  A photographer has asked to stop by our meeting at the farm tomorrow to get some pix - so be ready or if you prefer not to be photographed, just let us know!


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Dairy Judging Tryouts

Dairy Judging Tryouts!

Save the date and more details will be out shortly. Please respond to the below questions so I can set up tours in a timely manner with the farms.


Saturday June 11th in Worcester County.  Hoping to go to 2 farms for a day of judging multiple breeds.  I need to confirm the farms, so once I do I will let everyone know.  Plan is to have registration at 9:30 and start judging @ 10AM stop around noonhave lunch/ travel to next farm for around 1pm and be done judging by around 3pm or so.  For those of you interested in the BIG E 4H judging team I will be having a separate evening for in depth reasons from this tour.  Date and place to be determined.  For beginner reasons we will go over each class with some reason information at the tour so you can get an idea of terms and parts.


Also on Thursday June 16th around 6:30pm at Spencer fair grounds we will be putting together some classes at the state Jersey show. This evening will be low key and allow for time for a lot of comparing of cattle.


Also please let me know if Thursday June 23rd would work for you.  I would like to do a tour in the Hampshire/ Franklin area during the day that day, but can do evening depending on responses from you guys.


Alyssa could you let me know if July 12 would work for a tour at Appleton?  Preferably during the day. 


Any questions please let me know.

Thank you Moira Poitras mpoitras@charter.net


Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Show Supplies

For those of you who are new, Corinne made a list of show supplies you will want to think about getting.  Not every kid needs everything - consider sharing with a buddy, using club supplies etc. There is also a flyspray list attached as a guide of good choices.  A great place to start looking is the ENasco Showing and Grooming Catalog.  Also don't forget to have a peek at the PDCA rules (Purebred Dairy Cattle Association).  Things have changed lately in regards to how to walk into the ring and rules of conduct while in the ring. Some of the not so up to date judges may go by the old rules - no way to tell, just use your own judgement. Happy Showing!

What you need to show your animal (You may not need everything on this list - put your name on everything you get) 

• Show Halter (sleek, dainty - not chunky) 
• Rope Halter
• Show Clothes (white polo or button down, khakis or white chinos)
• Baby Wipes 
• Shampoo 
• At least one brush (horse brushes are good) 

• Hairspray (clear magic // aqua net)
• Hairbrush • Clear spray paint // clear hoof polish
• Clippers 
• Fly Spray (not too harsh)
• Sunscreen (for animals with white)
• Hoof pick with brush
• Show box (plastic or wood, of larger size) 

Everything Else: 
• Baby Powder 
• Q-Tips 
• Coat Conditioner (Revive is the best)
• Whitening Shampoo (for animals with white) 
• Clipper guards (for belly hair) 

• Topline scissors // offset scissors 
• Small clippers 
• Rubber base brush (aka topline brush) 
• Rosin Powder
• Hair Dryer

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Fly Spray

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Scholarship Opportunity

This was posted to Mass Dairy.  Maybe some of our kids would be interested -

Amy Spencer Memorial Scholarship Application Dare to Dream Educational Farm, Inc. is currently accepting application for the 2016 Amy Spencer Memorial Scholarship. Dare to Dream's mission is to foster personal and physical enrichment, growth and self discovery in individuals regardless of age, physical or emotional limitations, or the ability to pay, through experiences with farm animals, especially horses. The Amy Spencer Memorial Scholarship is available to all graduating seniors and post-graduates regardless of intended course of study, although preference is given to those individuals pursuing animal or agricultural studies. Applicants should submit this application, plus a one to two page essay highlighting the following information: a brief introduction of yourself and college plans, describe any experiences with animals and how it has impacted your life and/or what it has taught you, include extra curricular activities, especially involvement with animal related groups and/or Dare to Dream events. Photos are welcome, but not required. Applications should be sent to Dare to Dream Educational Farm Program, Attn: Amy Spencer Scholarship Committee, 16 Daniel Shays Highway, Orange MA 01364 and be postmarked no later than June 30,2016. For more information, please contact ramesz@aol.com.

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Meeting Monday

Just a reminder that our monthly meeting is this Monday at the fairgrounds.  We will be finalizing lease papers, so be sure to come if you plan on showing this season. Parents need to sign them, so they should either plan to stay for the meeting or come in to sign at pick up. 

Happy Mothers' Day to all the Moms!!
Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Sunday, March 20, 2016

Mr. Oneil to give talk about farm - RSVP

As most of you have heard, Mr. O'Neil has agreed to give a talk about the history of the O'Neil farm at the Duxbury Public Library, on April 11 6:30 - 7:30 pm.  All club members and their parents are encouraged to come.  We will be having our regular monthly meeting at the library that night starting at 6 before the talk, and wrapping up after if needed.  The public is also invited and the event is free.  The Friends of the Farm has asked for an approximate number of club members and parents who plan to attend, so please respond here ASAP.  Don't miss out!

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Friday, February 5, 2016

Meeting tomorrow

Meeting is on at the farm tomorrow. 

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Family Support Bag Charity


As mentioned in the previous e-mail, there is a charity drive going on that calls for several items that can be collected at the awards night or at our next meeting. This charity event is one that is put on by the Plymouth County 4H Ambassadors, with the recipients being homeless families (primarily mothers and children), many who have been the victims of domestic abuse. Our goal is to produce 150+ bags that hold comforting objects such as a blanket to keep warm and a stuffed animal for the children, as well as multiple other practical necessities that can be found in the flier attached. If you would like to contribute, donations of these items would be appreciated and will be collected at all meetings leading up to awards night. If you cannot make any of the meetings but would still like to donate, please just reply in an e-mail or contact Corinne to figure out a time we can meet.

Thank you, 
Corinne Lee

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


Family Support Bags

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Upcoming Dates

Just a reminder we have our monthly meeting Mon Jan 11 6-7:30 at the Fairgrounds.  Also the Plymouth County 4H Awards Banquet is coming up Friday Jan 22 at Emerald Hall - 30 Central St - Abington. Dinner at 6, Awards at 7.  What to bring: Donation to Silent Auction and Community Service Homeless Family Support Bags.  I am guessing I am not alone in needing an explanation of what those Bags consist of, so look for that at the monthly meeting.  Don't bring dessert this year.  RSVP 774-404-7020 or acampora@umass.edu

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.
