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Saturday, August 15, 2015

A brief Fair Survival Guide and Supply List

A brief survival guide for you first time parents!

Your child will need for show days:

A white shirt (does not need 4H embroidered on it – there are stickers they can use)

Tan or white pants (you may want to consider 2 sets of show clothes – they get dirty!)

Hard toe boots for the show ring (in a pinch riding boots or paddock boots will do)

Several 4H T-shirts to wear – they will collect more and more over the years

Extra jeans to change into when (not if) they get soaked/filthy  (no short shorts allowed)

A sweatshirt


Up to you if you want to send a phone, but if you do, also send a charger, and consider an extension cord

SLEEP (this is the hard part – your child will never want to leave the fair)



This is a reprint of a list we used a few years back.  Many of these items you can borrow from the club, especially the pricey ones like clippers.  There are also some show halters, barn halters and lead ropes available to borrow.  Mr. O'Neil usually has enough neck straps for the heifers.  You should really  consider getting some of the other grooming supplies and show box on your own if you are able so that you will be all set for the big day! If you have any questions as to what you may be able to borrow or what you should buy, contact Big Jim, Molly D. or Corinne – they are all happy to help!

Show  Halter

Barn Halter

2 Lead Ropes

Neck Strap (a large dog collar may do if your calf is small)

Show box to keep everything in with lock (a large tool box with wheels is what most kids use)

Hoof Pick



Shampoo (whitening and all purpose)


Baby Powder


Baby Oil

Non Scented Baby Wipes

Polish for the Cow Hooves

Sand Paper, especially if your heifer has horns

Brushes (curry combs, hard and soft brushes etc)

Small elastics

Fly Spray

Bucket to carry your wash supplies in, and a separate bucket for you heifer to drink from

Places to shop:  ENasco website, Fitts Mill, Hanson Grain, Tractor Supply,  Amazon

Be sure to check the blog for up-to-date information, pictures and more.


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